Chasing Mavericks

2012 "Legends start somewhere."
7.1| 1h56m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 26 October 2012 Released
Producted By: 20th Century Fox
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Surfer Jay Moriarity sets out to ride the Northern California break known as Mavericks.

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20th Century Fox

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Ole Sandbaek Joergensen This might not be the best movie ever, but I think the critics on this is missing something that most of the viewers apparently have gotten :) This is a heartwarming film, about a special individual that had passion, excitement about and was a natural at surfing.Jay Moriarity played by Jonny Weston is this boy that grows up wanting nothing else then surfing waves and big ones at that if possible, Frosty played Gerard Butler is the mentor that is though but fair and want him to learn that this is not for everyone and you have to practice to be perfect, if you are not perfect or well trained you will not survive the mavericks.I find surfing fascinating, it looks very cool and the surfers look very alive when surfing. I guess this is a very real tale about how it is, how it feels and how it looks to them selves and everyone around them. But also a film about taking risks, experience new things and being yourself.
skeptic skeptical Chasing Mavericks is supposed to be about Jay Moriarity, who was obsessively committed to surfing from the ages of 15 to 22, when he drowned in the Maldives (according to the end of the movie). In reality, this Lifetime Channel-esque biopic seemed to be more of a love fest dedicated to "Frosty", the 40+ year old "total surfing dude" who mentored Jay for twelve weeks (really? that's all?) before the arrival of El Nino and some pretty tubular wave activity. Moriarity surfed the epic waves and survived to tell about it. He was then thrust into instant surfer-dude stardom (a relative achievement, let us be perfectly frank).There are a few questions raised by this movie which can be taken seriously, such as whether it is nobler to seek to excel at something incredibly dangerous than to care for one's future existence. By just about any measure, what Moriarity did was reckless, as proved by his early death. But it did seem to be his choice, so he died a happy man, so to speak. He left a blonde air-heady wife behind, but she knew what she was getting into when she betrothed this guy, so she could not have really been all that surprised.Frosty, on the other hand, renounced reckless surfer-dude activity upon the untimely death of his delicate little wife, who only minutes before her fatal stroke had made him promise never to leave her and the children in the lurch as a result of his passion. The whole Frosty aspect of this story, that he assigned "essays" for his pupil to write about Fear and Observation, etc., struck me as pretty implausible. In any case, that is clearly not the typical formation of surfer dudes, and maybe if Moriarity had spent that time surfing instead he might have lived a couple more years. Who knows?I give this movie a 6 for the fine pictures of big waves. Otherwise, I have to agree with many of the naysayers: there's enough cheese here to cover all of the pizzas ever sold by young Jay Moriarity in the part- time job he held down so that he could save up for a radio to listen to the early morning wave reports. Too bad that his alcoholic mother, ditched by his absentee father (who was replaced by Frosty, thanks to whom Jay ended up dying at 22!) sometimes needed to borrow from his stash. A few other aspects of California culture were treated in this production, but mostly stereotypical stuff handled rather clumsily.
delwiggins Chasing Mavericks was one of the most inspirational movies I've seen on a late week night when I should have been sleeping. It's a moving true story about a boy that goes against all odds and makes his dreams come true. Through-out the movie you follow a boy who has a rough life, no father figure, and a mother who doesn't have everything under control. He befriends his neighbor that he looks up to an incredible amount. This movie shows that people really are placed on this earth for something. It made me cry tears of joy and tears of pain. It made me think hours after the movie was over. It made me think about my life and what I was put here to do. Great ending song that I ended up putting on my ipod. I loved the movie, and I advise you to watch it!
callanvass Based on a true story; Budding, young surfer; Jay Moriarity is fascinated with surfing. Local legend; Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler) winds up saving his life; he is unable to persuade young Jay, and Jay's heart is set. Years later; he learns about the mythic Mavericks, one of the biggest waves on earth, and wants to conquer it. He can't do it himself, so he enlists the help of Frosty HessonI don't like surfing, nor do I like anything to do with the sport, really; I just find it a chore to watch. I really dug the movie Soul Surfer (review coming soon) but other than that, I just get bored way too easily with it. I love Gerard Butler, so I figured I might as well pick it up for a rental. To my pleasant surprise this film winded up being a pretty good film that engaged me for an odd two hours or so. The surfing scenes are actually very exciting and often breathtaking to watch. It also helps that it has a great cast. Butler made for a riveting mentor with his usual charisma. I enjoyed his chemistry with Jonny Weston. Jonny Weston is a pretty solid lead, and had me on his side the whole way. Elisabeth Shue is great in her supporting role as the unreliable mother with a heart of gold. My only real complaint is that it's a tad overlong. SPOILERS: The real Jay Moriarity passed away in the maledives back in 2001 in the Indian Ocean off the coast of the island Lohifushi. It was an apparent diving accident. He left behind his wife Kim Moriarity Final Thoughts: Even if you don't like surfing, you'll find much to like about this movie. It's very hard not to like it, in all honesty. Recommended7.5/10