Did you see Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace? Did you like it? No? Then you were probably not a kid in 1999. Kids loved it very much. Actually they loved the new trilogy more than the old one (22 years difference). Fans of the old trilogy loved the old one more than the new one. It is not too surprising as all these movies were made for 12-year-olds of the time. And it is the same with Macskafogo 1-2, with almost the same time span between the original and the sequel (21 years). Is it weaker than the original? Yes, but just a bit. The story is a bit less and it is less creative (and yes, the middle part drags a bit). Otherwise it's fine, maybe not on the level of Macskafogó but on the same level as e.g. Az Erdö kapitánya or Sárkány és Papucs from the same time. Nice new addition to Hungarian animation. I watched it with children in the cinema. And yes, they loved it.
First I have to tell you that you shouldn't believe in extreme criticism (good or bad) about this movie. It's simply not as good or bad. Just a quite entertaining afternoon cinema experience.The main problem with this film, that beyond everything, it wants to be a sequel. Not a standalone movie, but just a sequel. I find pretty unfortunate to see ALL the characters from the first movie, for that means, We have to compare the two to each other, and if one hasn't seen the prequel, the legendary "Cat City", he/she wont understand a word.Anyway, the story goes like this: Stanley, the journalist mouse takes a journey into the deepest jungles of Pafrika, to find professor Livingstone. He finds the professor, and takes his way back (a really funny part of the movie), but gets captured by savage cats! If you've seen Cat City, you know, that all cats are brainwashed, and under mouse-control. If you haven't, Stanley's gonna tell you. The savage cats then summon Moloch, a cat-demon from cat-hell, who leads their cat uprising against the mice. Moloch and the savages wake the cat population from their former slumber, and of course, war breaks out. Stanley, and his new jungle-friend Torzon rushes back to Cin City, to alert the Intermouse and Grabowsky again. Grabowsky (former super agent from the first movie, now the owner of a gigantic spinach-farm), knows that the only way to stop the cats from revolting (and killing everyone), is to start up the good old "Cat-Catcher" again...This movie is just as violent and crazy most times, as the first one, but the jokes which this behavior brings, are just out of the movie. You'll never get immersed. Although it's quite entertaining at some parts, you'll always be reminded, that you're just watching a movie. Most likely from one of the main characters. This way, it all gets really weightless, and you find yourself not caring about the characters, and forgetting all the good jokes, and quotes (wich is a pity, because it has many).And it's not just the story that falls apart. Another thing that annoyed me much, is the unaware way it's mixing all styles of cartoons. For example: Moloch looks like a Disney character, and it has computer animation, half of the character looks exactly like they did in Cat city, half of them look much more simple, and cartoonish. The same thing can be discovered in animation, for all characters move VERY differently, and sometimes they even switch the technique as the film advances. And again, the 3d installments are a bit confusing too. Sometimes, they look gorgeous, and sometimes... well they don't. It really looks strange, and not very sophisticated.That is a major pain about this film. I think If they'd have one more year to work on it, and think everything over again, it could be a great movie. I hope they make a double DVD pack from this and Cat City and this time they REALLY fix the sound and the picture digitally.
Unfortunately, I don't have anything good to say about this movie. I loved the first part and was thrilled to know that the second one was coming out. But what a disappointment! There is no plot, the jokes are standalone (and not part of the story) and the scenes are jumping back and forth from one storyline to the other. Also, all of the characters from part 1 were made to reappear in part 2. But many of them did not really have a solid part in the latter, so for anyone who did not see the former, the depiction of a lot of characters was meaningless.The movie was so bad that numerous people fell asleep in the movie theater. Chose something else to watch in your free time.
Calling this movie a piece of junk is in fact an overstatement. I didn't have great expectations, after all 20 years have passed and sequels almost never can hold the level set by the original movie, but this one falls flat even without expectations.While the first movie had a story that contained a lot of humorous elements, this one tries to make us laugh while building a fake story around the pretended and forced laughs. Thes laughs become boring after the first 10-15 minutes. It was quite stunning that all the people sitting there with me waited for something to happen, but that something didn't seem to happen. In the final 30 minutes I heard no laughs from the audience.What's the story about? A journalist mouse called Stanley finds a remote cat tribe in the jungle that hasn't become pacified by the evil robot dog machine created by the mice in the first part. Upon learning this fact from the trapped Stanley, the cats seek revenge and try to help their comrades. So they summon Moloch, who is the deputy Satan in cat hell. From this point on, we see a remake of the movie's first part, although this time the creators spiced it up with a little Matrix-style-kick-ass scene and some Pokémon frenzy. This may make the population under 10 years laugh, but the movie's main audience is in its 20s or above.The creators also throw in some old characters for good, but even these characters seem tired and boring. The rats (4 gangsters) have some good scenes, but their vocalization is so bad that even these scenes fail to entertain. By the way, when we first meet the rats, we are already so numb from the previous scenes that no laughs are provoked. Dick, who lives with the blood sucking rats in Mexico, also comes back and he is a good epitome for the movie. He's tired. He's old, but tries to look young and fresh. He was once funny and believes that he's still funny. He's not. It's like entering the Epson derby with the Trojan Horse.What's the final analysis? This is crap and so bad that it doesn't deserve a single point. This is a zero or rather a minus ten. This is how not to make a movie. This is how to spoil fun. This is how to throw mud into your own face and the audience. What a waste.