
2.6| 1h23m| R| en| More Info
Released: 25 October 2007 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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After being kidnapped, Kate Walker wakes to find herself trapped in a small chamber. She realizes she's not the only prisoner, as nineteen others share the same fate. Hunted by demonic creatures, the group must band together if they are to escape the hellish labyrinth and survive the onslaught. Starring: Leah Rose (Dust), Ryan Schaufler (Chasing Life), Adrienne Rusk (The Trouble with the Truth), Matt Ukena (Dark Nemesis) and Tom Lodewyck (Petty Cash).

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BakuryuuTyranno For something distributed by Shoreline Entertainment, unfortunately, Carnivorous is one of the best.Granted, its main accomplishment is generating apathy; that's because what little substance this film has is repetitive and before long, you'll probably stop caring. Still better than what you normally find amongst Shoreline's library. Essentially, people trapped within a CGI castle battle CGI monsters.Characters contribute little before the script begins killing them off. Occasionally, still photography of the dead people appears. Why is unknown.The pacing is pretty fast. For what it's worth. Granted, before long the actors' interaction with creatures and corridors is something the audience should adjust to. For what that's worth. Carnivorous may be somewhat watchable as a timewaster, but that's about it.The only problem thing is before this movie ends, you'll probably have stopped paying attention, thus negating the negatives and, um... positives(?) of Carnivorous.
soundteamllc I was at the Shockerfest International Film Festival this year. It is held every year near my home town. (A great fest by the way!) Anyway, I saw this film and loved it! I am not the only one- it was nominated for "BEST FANTASY FILM OF THE YEAR" and the two lead actors were both nominated for "BEST ACTOR". I say this to prove my point about this film - it is a daring and unique film and I feel that it should be rewarded for its merits. I say this because I have read some people's negative comments on this film and I have to say that I am tired of people just bitching about movies that they did not understand. I have heard comments on how the labyrinth dimension looked strange and unreal. Come on! It is not trying to be a real place at all, it is a limbo dimension. The characters even talk about it in the film. I am sure that the filmmakers were not trying to make it look real. They were being CREATIVE! Pay attention to the story please. If you pay any attention it is clear that the creatures, or whom ever created the creatures, created the labyrinth dimension to hunt the people in. When the people were in the real world it was real locations and when the were in the labyrinth dimension it was surreal. I am surprised anybody could miss this point. I loved that the labyrinth dimension had an unearthly, surreal look. I found it very creepy and scary. The world could not have been pulled off by real-world sets and that is what made it so fun to watch- you never knew what could be around the next corner and if you tried to guess you would be wrong. If you don't like this kind of film- don't watch it. If you enjoy when filmmakers take risks and are creative for once- I urge you to give it a chance. You might be surprised. To the people who just dismiss the film as "video game-like," I feel that you missed the boat here. I quote the DREAD CENTRAL positive review of Carnivorous: " admirably ambitious creature feature that deserves to be given a chance." and "I really do think Carnivorous is a monster movie that's merits outweigh its negatives and deserves an audience." These guys know genre films. I was really sucked in by the story. It was different and refreshing. I watch tons of horror / thrillers. I am quite tired of the same Asian ghost rip-offs and slasher films. Carnivorous is truly a unique film. I commend the story for telling us just enough about the chosen "bad apple" people that were being hunted. letting the viewer come to their own conclusions on why they were there. We never know why Kate (the lead actress) is there. What did she do? Why was she different than all the others? I don't want to spoil anything for a viewer but she is a character that is a very different person at the end of the story than from the beginning of the film. Changed by what she endured and now is burdened by the truth of the world and with a horrible responsibility that she must take on her shoulders. I found this fascinating. The pace of the story is very fast and never boring.Most of the acting was very good. Ryan Schaufler who played 'Ian' was great fun to watch. He was insane but not over the top. He felt very real in an unreal world and situation. The creepy kids was a nice touch as it showed how Kate was a good person. She took him under her wing and cared for him regardless of his "bad person" status. I really loved the chemistry of the two lead characters. It was not sexual or buddies. Just respect. I liked it. The fighting was nice as it was never way over the top like so many films these days. No Matrix style bullet- time crap here. Thank you very much.The creatures had a great design and were scary for what they were. I would not say that the animated creatures were the best I've ever seen in my life but hey come on, this is a low budget film and they matched the world they were from. Once again the filmmakers used what they had and were creative. It makes sense. Trust me I have seen some real crap CGI creatures in films that made these monsters look like gold.You have to commend the filmmakers for "going for it" with this type of film on what must have been no real budget. Not an easy task I'm sure. I feel they pulled it off. But I am sure that there will be a lot of people who just can't get on this ride. It asks you to bring your imagination with you. Unfortunately many people these days have no imagination to speak of and they will be missing out. Therefore, like so many unique films, people will either love Carnivorous or it will not be their cup of tea. I was very refreshed and always entertained by this film and would love to see what the filmmakers could do with a real budget. I loved this film!!!!
Paul Andrews Carnivorous starts as Kate (Leah Rose) gets a flat tyre while driving in some isolated woods somewhere, soon after a guy (Chris Flieller) comes along in a truck & abducts her after knocking her out with a shovel. Kate wakes up to find herself tapped inside what looks like a huge labyrinth that is populated by awful computer game graphics, sorry I mean scary ten foot tall monsters. Along with various other people Kate has to survive the various traps, dodge the monsters & try to find a way out of the maze like labyrinth & to the safety of the real world...Written & directed by Drew Maxwell I watched Carnivorous last night, I actually had the choice of watching this, Southern Comfort (1981), Kiss the Girls (1997) or Saw II (2005) & I definitely made the wrong decision since Carnivorous is one of the worst films it's been my displeasure to endure. At the time of writing this comment Carnivorous has a lowly User Rating of 1.8 on the IMDb & I am wondering why so high? Also at the time of writing this comment there is only one other User Comment & it starts by asking the question 'Why such a low IMDb rating?', well it has such a low rating because it's truly dreadful. It's abysmal. It's appalling in every aspect. It's an awful film, if you can describe it as a film, & it's as simple & straight forward as that really. I have no connection to the film industry, I had never heard of Carnivorous before I watched it, I don't know anyone involved with the film & the director & producer & actor's are just 'names' to me & I didn't see it at some obscure film festival with an introduction by the director which is all it takes for some people to rave about the biggest pieces of celluloid crap imaginable. I am just an average guy & I cannot understand or see how anyone could find anything in Carnivorous even in the remotest bit enjoyable or entertaining. Both conceptually & technically Carnivorous is appalling. The story is weak, the character development is none existent, the plot makes no sense, there's barely any exposition, it's impossible to care about what is going on & it's unrelentingly dull & boring to boot. Definitely one to avoid.A lot of Carnivorous was shot in a warehouse against a green-screen & the backgrounds & monsters were digitally put in later & the process looks terrible. The perspective is all wrong, character's just don't look right or stand right against the poorly rendered & detailed backgrounds which look awful. It's so dark you can barely see anything, the lighting is all wrong on character's face's & bodies, the CGI monster look terrible & the average PS3 console game looks better with more convincing graphics. Carnivorous is like a poorly made video game but without the fun of the interaction, you just sit there looking at these awful CGI graphics & praying that it's going to finish sooner rather than later. The film has a really odd look & feel, your brain just know's that something is wrong, that something isn't quite right in the way character's walk around or the perspective of certain shots & it's a very odd viewing experience. There's not much gore either, there's a decapitated, an impaling & a cut head but nothing else & all the actor's obviously were working without any on set props & these scenes just don't work as the CGI animators try to match the live action & the CGI but pretty much fail on every occasion. I have never seen another film quite like Carnivorous & I genuinely hope it's a one off & filmmakers don't go down the cheap CGI route not only for backgrounds but sets & props as well.According to the IMDb this had a supposed budget of about $5,000,000, yeah right! Knock at least three zeros off that & I think that would be nearer the true budget. The film has no scares, the lighting is well off, the CGI backgrounds are far too dark & look terrible & the whole film seems to try & go far a Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) feel with it's Gothic style hellish labyrinth complete with dangling hooks on chains but the CGI is awful. The acting is terrible too from no-one I have ever heard of.Carnivorous is a truly terrible film, it's absolutely dreadful & deserves it's lowly IMDb rating. This is definitely 'worst film ever' material & I would hate to think the techniques used here to make Carnivorous would become widespread in the industry. One of the worst films I have ever endured & I have endured some real rubbish over the years.
Brett Heitkam Carnivorous certainly isn't the best movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it's SUPER-LOW IMDb score definitely makes it seem worse than it really is. Yes, the film is shot almost entirely in green screen with the actors added into artificial backgrounds. This effect is awkward at the immediate beginning, but once you get used to it, it isn't really that bad. There are a couple of scenes throughout the movie where I thought, "Woah, that actually looks really cool!" In particular there is a floating drawbridge scene that stands out (you will know it when you see it). Also, the acting isn't the greatest, but when you are filming an ULTRA-LOW BUDGET movie in WISCONSIN of all places (and I can say that because I live 20 minutes from the border), I don't expect Oscar quality performances.Anyway, the movie was never BORING, which is my definition of a bad movie. A movie can be as cheesy and goofy and have all the bad special effects it wants to, but as long as it ENTERTAINS me for an hour and a half, I don't consider it a failure. Carnivorous entertained me immensely for its entire running time....I was SUPER tired when I started watching it, and was sure I would fall asleep...but I didn't.... and I wouldn't even mind watching it again. I'm very curious to see what the director Drew Maxwell is working on next!Brett Heitkam [email protected]