Cannibal Holocaust

1985 "They eat and they are eaten!"
5.8| 1h36m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 14 June 1985 Released
Producted By: Transcontinental Films
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.

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bushape-29263 I watch a lot of movies each week and I find this movie to be the most disturbing of the hundreds I have watched this year alone. There are several scenes that very unnecessary and very brutal. This movie should be banned because of the actual killing of six animals. They are not glancing shots either, close-up's of animals being killed just to make a movie. It's a disgusting film. The plot to the movie has been used several times before. Lost in the Amazon and someone comes to the rescue. What they find is a little different. I imagine it has it's cult following of whack-o's, doesn't most of the controversial movies?
Filipe Neto This film is another sick cinematic experience of Italian provenance. Considered by many the goriest film already made to date, its a bad example for international cinema in that it shows, virtually, everything that a quality film should never show.The plot is simple: after the disappearance of a film crew from a documentary in the middle of a remote area of ​​the Amazon Rainforest, an expert is sent to find out what happened. However, the region is inhabited by ferocious cannibal tribes. Therefore, the film mixes a bit the found footage style with a mockumentary. The director, Ruggero Deodato, focused on realism to the point that he was arrested on charges ranging from depravity to qualified murder (he was only saved from life imprisonment when the actors killed in the film appeared before the judge, alive and in very good health). So the movie is not for anyone and it's not that movie that you show to your girlfriend or mother. In fact, the human deaths were staged, with extreme graphic realism, but there are actually scenes of executions that were included in the film, in addition to having been killed several animals during the filming (where were the Greenpeace guys then?). This is equally horrendous.Sincerely? There is some talent here, especially in makeup, in the decoration and idealization of the sets and in other technical questions. But you're going to be so sick and revolted against the movie that you will not be able to absorb it.
rameyzamora No, I did not see this film, nor will I. (Spoiler) Nor do I watch old western movies. or foreign films showing real animal cruelty, suffering and death, such as "Texas Chain Saw Massacre." Actors paid to simulate being tortured, injured, killed are one thing. Animals actually harmed because they are weaker than their killers and because someone wants to make money off their pain are quite another. Inhumanity is fostered with the acceptance of this kind of cruelty, and it is the true horror of films like "Cannibal Holocaust."
Smoreni Zmaj For his work on the film, the director was arrested by Italian authorities on suspicion of murder charges and faced life in prison, following its 1980 Milan premiere. He endured a trial when Italian authorities were unconvinced that the footage was indeed staged. Deodato lost the original trial, and all prints were to be destroyed, but he managed to have the ruling overturned in the early '80s when the actors finally appeared on TV to prove otherwise.Some five years passed before the film saw release in Deodato's home country. This movie was banned for twenty years in many countries.Only for fans of disgusting footage...