Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band - Live in New York City

Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band - Live in New York City
8.9| 3h0m| en| More Info
Released: 29 June 2000 Released
Producted By: HBO
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A two disc amalgam of the final performances of 2001's Madison Square Gardens performances by one of the greatest bands in the world of some of the greatest music in the world. The atmosphere positively floods out of the screen to envelop you and the hairs on your neck will be standing on end before the first note has been struck. After watching this you'll believe that The Boss is incapable of putting a foot wrong. By the end, he's only just short of defying gravity.

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jjj522002 I am 53, have been a fan of Springsteen and the E Street band since 1977. Once I listened to Born to Run a few hundred times, I bought his previous albums and bought or listened to all since. I am not a Springsteen junkie but if the opportunity arose, I might be. Sitting here, watching Bruce and E Street PERFORM with my 6 year old grandson whom we are raising...he is a fan, too...well, words can't suffice. The effort, the skills, the know how, the experience, the joy, the camaraderie, the fun, the sheer talent and patience and age of the performers shows itself. I saw two of his shows live, late 1970's at at Louisville Gardens in Kentucky and 1985 at Lexington, KY. If anyone can show (or tell) me a rock performer who puts more effort into a show than Bruce, please do. I will watch or attend, it would have to be life-affirming. I'm sure some do put out as much effort, but more? Let me know. And I don't mean a burnt out once in a while performance but a show to show guaranteed live wired gut-wrenching performance. This DVD is certainly a great example of a loving rock star and his band at their best. Nuf said.
cbulkin Recorded over the course of the final two nights of the New York City stand in 2000, this DVD set features the entire HBO broadcast and a bonus disc featuring another whole set of material. Taken collectively, the two discs are approximately the length of a typical concert during the 1999 - 2000 "Reunion" tour.Casual fans will enjoy straight-forward renditions of some of his most well known songs such as Born to Run, Thunder Road, and Badlands. To keep it interesting for fans and for the band, some of the classics are presented in vastly different arrangements. The River is slowed down and fleshed out in an arrangement that would not be out of place in a film noir soundtrack. Atlantic City and Mansion on the Hill (both from 1982's Nebraska) sound completely different as well. Atlantic City is delivered as a full throttled rocker and Mansion on the Hill sports a country feel. Born in the USA is stripped down to a stunning solo acoustic number (leaving no doubt as to the meaning of this widely misunderstood song).Fans of Bruce's early work will be delighted by the inclusion of a spot-on Lost in the Flood (from 1973's Greetings from Asbury Park, his debut album) and The E Street Shuffle (from 1973's The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle (played in it's entirety over the closing credits). Die-hard fans will appreciate the inclusion of several "outtakes" including the opening My Love Will Not Let You Down and Murder Incorporated (both recorded for 1984's Born in the USA), and Don't Look Back and The Promise (both recorded for 1978's Darkness on the Edge of Town).Highlights include stellar renditions of war horses such as Prove it All Night, Ramrod, Jungleland, Backstreets, and a blistering Light of Day. Also included is a 15 minute documentary featuring interview clips with the band as well as snippets of songs not included in the concert proper such as The Promised Land and Blood Brothers.Having played together for over a year, the band was in peak form when this video was recorded. Highly recommended.
richgiannini Intense. Emotional. Joyous. I've seen the Boss numerous times and have tried to illustrate the experience for those who have not seen him. Very difficult to do. This video does exactly what I've tried to accomplish. Bruce Springsteen is simply the greatest frontman to ever set foot on stage. He has complete mastery of his band and the audience. Bruce has a unique bond with his fans and it comes across to the viewer as if you were actually there. Many bands depend on gimmickry and light shows to accentuate their show. Bruce and the E Street Band will have non of that. It's all about the music, the band, and the fans.
nilsrauwoens After 13 years, Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band have reunited for an extensive tour through Europe and the United States. I've had the pleasure of seeing them in Paris and it was wonderful. There is no other performer who can get a crowd going like that at his 50s.The tour ended with a 10-night-stand in New York City, all of them sold out. The last concert was recorded and is now "Live in New York City". It's an exhilarating concert registration, but it's not a "Live Greatest Hits". He only plays The River, in an alternate, longer version and Born To Run.When I first saw it, it all came back to me from Paris, especially his interacts with the crowd.It all ends with a 20-minute-version of Tenth Avenue Freeze-out from his masterpiece "Born To Run", which includes an Al Green medley. The last 2 songs are new: the beautiful Land of Hope and Dreams and the controversial American Skin(41 Shots). But still, there is no band like The E-Street Band.