
2012 "Welcome to my interesting world."
7.5| 1h27m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 02 March 2012 Released
Producted By: New Zealand Film Commission
Country: New Zealand
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Boy, an 11-year-old child and devout Michael Jackson fan who lives on the east coast of New Zealand in 1984, gets a chance to know his absentee criminal father, who has returned to find a bag of money he buried years ago.

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adrianhertz None of the "characters" are likeable they are rude stupid and unrealistic i only laughed once it is however a decent drama but the script was weak and stupid they really bank on the awfull accent to sell the stupid jokes, is over the top silly and ridiculous dont waste your time watch hunt for the wilderpeople instead
Vonia Boy (2010) Director: Taika Waititi 6/10 Young actors impress, Tribute to the Maori, Picturesque backgrounds, Funny, zany, yet grave points. Thrilling credits a best part? Charming and quirky? Also pretentious. Lacking mood balance, Waititi best not acting, Gave film dubious feeling. Somonka is a form of poetry that is essentially two tanka poems (the 5-7-5-7-7 syllable format), the second stanza a response to the first. Traditionally, each is a love letter and it requires two authors, but sometimes a poet takes on two personas. My somonka will be a love/hate letter to this film? #Somonka #PoemReview
bryanprzy Recently, New Zealand native Waititi has made a splash with What We Do in the Shadows, his mockumentary about the private lives of vampires, and has even been tabbed by Marvel Studios to direct the next Thor blockbuster, but his earlier film Boy is what first got him noticed.His look at native life in rural New Zealand during the mid- eighties captures the fleeting innocence of childhood. Boy (Rolleston), a scrawny twelve-year-old with an affinity for Michael Jackson, is tasked with watching his younger brother Rocky and a slew of cousins while his grandmother is away, but things get wild when Boy's estranged, criminal father (Waititi) reappears. Waititi shows the lives of average natives in New Zealand, instead of the war paint wearing behemoths we have come to associate with the Mauri people here in America. In fact, Boy depicts native New Zealander life very similarly to what we see on reservations in America.It's very interesting to see Boy and his family and friends interact on a daily basis. They run free across the town, where everybody know everybody, without a care. But as the film continues, you see that all of them are only a few years away from joining their fathers in jail or activities that could send them to jail.Boy manages to remain an upbeat and energetic film, even while dealing with tough issues like broken families, drug use and death. Waititi's creative take on Boy and his father's rough relationship is both light and poignant, making the film an entertaining watch for anyone who is a fan of Waititi… or Michael Jackson.
AsifZamir Boy is fun movie that takes place in New Zealand. Directed by Taika Waititi, who also wrote the script. The movie is about a young boy everyone simply calls Boy. Boy lives with his grandmother and his brother Rocky and many of his cousins on a poor-farm in New Zealand in the Bay of Plenty area, and is a huge Michael Jackson fan. This is a movie about a boy that meets his real father and realization hits that his father is not as great as he had hoped. The movie brings in the hard facts that Boy's father is a criminal who returns to dig up a bag of money and has very little care for the boy. It is a coming of age movie and depicts real life drug and money issues, but the main issue is absentee fathers.This movie started out with the title Choice and then The Volcano before acquiring its current catchy title. The New Zealand hit won 9 awards and received 8 nominations. Awards included Taika Waititi winning AFI Fest 2010 Audience Award Best International Feature Film and for the Sydney Film Festival 2010 Waititi also won Best Feature Film Audience Award.I think most people will understand and enjoy this movie thanks to a drastic decline in bad fathers in the world.