A very good movie for the whole family. It's a well made cocktail of action, comedy and good feelings, with a very funny Calà and a surprisingly fit Spencer. This thing has to be viewed till the DVD burns out, It never tires the spectator, the gags are always funny and original in some way.Unfortunately good movies like this today are nonexistent, the Italian cinema has lately fallen so low, you only see around teenage dramas and various other crap movies with high sexual content. And to think that we Italians have made the history of cinema (words o Quentin Tarantino). I quote only Sergio Leone and his absolute masterpieces and then remain silent...forever.
Bud Spencer's 80s solo movies tend to be rather childish. Plots are rather sketched and primitive; action is clicheed and repeated; acting follows foreseeable patterns...YET i have watched BULLDOZER, BOMBER & others countless times. The movie's end comes, and -in spite of its flaws, low budget, whatever- one realizes -perhaps to one's own surprise- that he could easily watch it over again. BOMBER is basically a remake of BULLDOZER, with boxe standing in for American football: lone seaman has a thorny past of accomplished sportsman; local wild bunch of amateur, goofy sportsmen get in trouble with US military base sergeant thug & his cronies. Lone seaman joins them -albeit reluctantly- to avenge past injustices. De Angelis brothers recycle their silly ( yet catchy ) jingles ad nauseam ( FANTASY is a rip-off of their cartoon soundtrack GALAXY EXPRESS 1999 etc ), same as (in BULLDOZER ) they ripped off their own SPACE 1999 ( Italian edition ) soundtrack ( music remains the same, words vary ). The plot recycles a few characters from BULLDOZER ( the tall skinny ugly Naples guy etc ) and add others (EG Jerry Calà, Gegia etc ). Calà and Gegia were the hit of the moment: the first a raising comedy actor, the second co-starred back then a popular Lavazza coffee TV ad featuring deceased actor Nino Manfredi: that is why they were added. The Giorgione character ( ever noticed the "training montage" music spoofing Rocky's music?! ) hogs too much screen time, opposed to what had happened with the same subplot (= mislead yet well meaning guy getting a "lesson in life" from Spencer ). The additional cast makes an overall (slightly ) better impression than in BULLDOZER, with Calà making a difference; BULLDOZER's supporting actors were mainly stand-ins and stuntmen ( watch carefully and you'll spot them being on the receiving end of an hammer-punch in many other Spencer&Hill movies ). The American villain looks like a twin of the Bulldozer's US foe.
This movie is a mix up between "Lo Chiamavano Bulldozer" and "Rocky" with an a little aged Bud Spencer with some sidekicks and the same bad guy of "Lo chiamavano.." and "Uno sceriffo extraterrestre". Switch an former football player character from "lo c "Bulldozer" with a former boxer one and a groups of street boys with a single young man and voilà, here is "Bomber". The plot is less than original ("lo chiamavano Bulldozer plus something for Rocky"), you know and the jokes are not so funny as the prior BS movies. The sidekick Jerry Calà is an useless add to the cast; he played the role of an buffonesque boxer manager , noisy but not really funny despite his grimaces . Jerry Cala was an actually famous comedian and because of this the producers put him in the movie.In comparison of those two classic, "Bomber" lost several points but the whole movie is still amusing.
Second movie for Bud Spencer shot in Northern Tuscany's coast after "Lo Chiamavano Bulldozer". Bud stars as Bud Graziano,former boxer that withdrew after being injured at his right punch just before a match with the dirty rival Rosco Dunn.Despite the broken hand Graziano showed up at the match,but was defeated.Now he has become a globetrotter with his ship,but at the beginning of the movie somebody (Dunn?) has ordered a wrecking crew to dismantle Bomber's boat.Then Bomber rescues in two occasions a boxe-manager,the explosive Jerry (Jerry Calà-WOW!).After a free-for-all with the regiment of Rosco Dunn -now a sergeant at US military base of Camp Derby- that wants a showdown with Graziano (probably Dunn was expelled after his dirty victory),our two heroes find a young bullet with a golden right punch,Giorgione Desideri (Mike Miller) and begin to teach him box.After a brilliant victory against Rosco's young champ Sam Newman (Bobby Rhodes) and the rebuilding of Jerry's gym -burned by Rosco's henchmen-,Giorgione turns on his teachers due of baddies' intervention.After voluntarily losing his second match,Giorgione becomes an henchman of Dunn's organization,forcing Bomber to begin a retaliatory action.Bud Graziano destroys a grill owned by Dunn's sidekick,then manages to bring Giorgione back with him.The time for a match Giorgio Desideri vs. Rosco Dunn comes after an hard training,but Rosco's henchmen are unleashed repeating with Giorgione the treatment made with Bomber.Without his right punch Giorgione is almost defenseless but doesn't give up and manages to resist the first round.After that Bomber discover the violent trick and faces Rosco Dunn on a clean brawl.Now Dunn is lost, since Bomber is at 100% "You see,now i can use my right,come on!". Rosco Dunn bites the dust many many times and then is send over the top rope crushing a table! Triumph for Bomber!Bomber!Bomber!Bomber!It's true,he didn't hit the enemies,he bombed them! And great performance of Jerry Calà! 10 stars out of ten.