Bloody Mary

2007 "To Release the Greatest Evil, All You Have to Do is Say Her Name"
Bloody Mary
3.4| 1h33m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 28 January 2007 Released
Producted By: KAT Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a group of psychiatric hospital nurses invoke the spirit of Bloody Mary -- a supposed urban myth -- the slaughter begins. The legend is real, her vengeance is fatal, and to free her, all you have to do is say her name.

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Jeb-CiscoWarrior I got this movie in a 4 pack for 5 bucks, so I wasn't expecting much. Heck, I was surprised it was even a full length film. The premise is pretty simple, a typical "this monster has killed my family member now I'm going to go on a big quest to find out more about it and(stop reading if you don't want to know the ending" in the end I will kill it" pretty standard stuff. so, when I popped it into my lap top, I had no expectations what so ever. I was completely shocked when it actually showed potential. the deaths were kind of cool, the acting was better than some big budget crap, and hey (spoiler) you get to see some glee (I think) star die painfully. Oh, and there are boobs. I put and emphasis on that because, it seems like in every bloody Mary scene, someones naked. An interesting twist on a classic myth, but hey, apparently that works for some people, as in they actually see something in the mirror trying the movies method, so to each his own I suppose. in the end, I have three complaints about the movie (spoiler alert!) 1. YOU NEVER SEE BLOODY MARY! well, her face at least. If my memory is correct (which it may not), her face is always hidden. Whats up with that? 2. The ending sucks. basically all it is (spoiler alert): Main character smashes the mirror. Thats it. Well, most of it at least, some other crap happens also, but thats the gist. and 3 (really major spoiler): What the h*** is with the creepy dude who serves Mary? I just didn't get it. But, all in all, its a good movie, pretty scary, has some really good moments (the opening is freaking awesome), and all in all, is worth buying.
MaskedRobin My expectations were understandably low upon slipping Bloody Mary into my DVD player. I knew the acting would be terrible, I knew the story wouldn't be anything groundbreaking, and I knew the effects would look even more low-budget than they probably were. I knew to expect the worst, and that is exactly what I found in this brutal train wreck of a film.Bloody Mary is about a group of psychiatric hospital nurses who spend their nights going into a tunnel below the hospital, stripping completely naked, and chanting "I believe in Bloody Mary" to an old mirror. One of the young women goes missing, and her big sister arrives to investigate her disappearance. Around this point I began asking myself, "Does this movie actually have anything to do with Mary Tudor?" No, of course not! Turns out Bloody Mary was really a psychiatric patient who became so obsessed with her reflection that she killed a nurse, escaped into the tunnels under the hospital, and stared at herself in a mirror until she starved to death. Who knew? It was also at this point that I was tricked into believing that this movie was actually doing something right. Instead of explaining in the entire plot in a bought of exposition diarrhea, the important details are gradually revealed as the main character discovers them throughout her investigation. There's just one problem with this: over half of the plot is left unexplained! By the time the credits started to roll, I was left with more questions than answers.What is Bloody Mary's motivation for killing people and how is it that she's able to emerge from the mirror to strike? What exactly did the nurses hope to accomplish by summoning her? Who on Earth were those characters that movie introduced and dropped with no rhyme or reason? Bloody Mary fails on all levels. The acting and cinematography were painful to watch, subplots lasted about ten seconds apiece before vanishing, story and dialogue alike were confusing and awkward, and was just boring. There was nothing engaging or interesting. There was a lot of pointless nudity...was that supposed to be entertaining? There was some blood that looked like water with food coloring thrown in at the last second...was that supposed to be scary? I suppose, as with any other questions I had about this movie, these will simply have to go unanswered.This isn't one of those movies where "it's so bad, it's good!" It's just plain awful. I couldn't find anything enjoyable or redeeming about Bloody Mary, and believe me, I was looking! There are many "bad" movies that I love; my favorite film is a piece of cinematic dreck. My point being, if anyone was willing to be sympathetic toward this movie, it was me. And I paid for this with ninety-three minutes of my life that I'll never get back.
queen_amneris I saw a preview of this movie and thought it looked very good. I watch horror movies quite frequently. This one was absolutely filled with scenes of superfluous naked girls. There was actually a clip of one girl in the shower that had nothing to do with anything. It was just an excuse to show boobs.Second of all - this was some of the worst acting I've ever seen, not to mention completely unrealistic. The way the mental hospital was run just made me laugh. Severely ill mental patients are never left alone to wander the halls, and unqualified teenagers are not hired to work there. The clique of girls was something out of a junior high drama: the bitch, the shy girl, the nice girl, and the one with the boyfriend.It was just garbage. I can't believe anyone would like it.
fritzlang I tried to go in watching the movie with as much unbiased attitude as I can (considering this sounded like a rehash of Candyman meets the Ring this was not easy). Imagine my surprise when I found myself engrossed in an extremely well done horror film! I was never bored for one second, and there were quite a few times I was genuinely scared. This says a lot. In fact I think I enjoyed this film more than some of the big budget horror films of recent years.The team did a really impressive job of working with an unknown case with a very limited budget. The acting caliber was very high and the special effects were used sparingly but effectively.No, this is not 'reinventing the genre'. It is just a nice little film that is eerie, has an interesting plot, decent acting and some real good scares.check it out!