
2018 "Change the way you see."
7.4| 1h35m| R| en| More Info
Released: 20 July 2018 Released
Producted By: Summit Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Collin must make it through his final three days of probation for a chance at a new beginning. He and his troublemaking childhood best friend, Miles, work as movers, and when Collin witnesses a police shooting, the two men’s friendship is tested as they grapple with identity and their changed realities in the rapidly-gentrifying neighborhood they grew up in.

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bell-benn This has been a pretty good year for black filmmakers with Sorry to Bother You and Blindspotting coming out of Oakland, both very fresh, very original, and entertaining, each packed with a powerful punch. Here comes along a Spike Lee Joint. It is Spike's best effort in years. The brother is back in full form and he has plenty of mojo to boot! This brilliant film is based on the true story of a black police officer who infiltrated the KKK. It is very timely in its theme of white supremacists who want to take America back and to make America great again. It is a reminder that White House is currently inhabited by white supremist racists and backed by David Duke and the KKK. Trump and Duke both make cameo appearances in the film as well as stock footage of the riots in Charlottesville where Trump smugly says there were some very fine people on both sides. Ha ha! Ho Ho! This is a must see for everyone in America. Spike's practiced hand is at the tiller of this skillfully wrought movie. It jumps immediately to my top 10 list and as of now it sits on top.
marshalllancaster This is one powerful movie-its message, its actors, its depiction of struggles. A must-see!
shortee-65409 I will admit that I wasn't expecting much from this movie. It definitely proved me wrong! It was excellent and touched on many things that unfortunately happen nowadays. There were parts when I had to keep myself from yelling at the screen because I was so engrossed in what was happening... I would highly recommend it!
steve beard I saw "Blindspotting", starring Daveed Diggs-Black_ish_tv, Wonder; Rafael Casal-his first movie; Janina Gavankar-Sleepy Hollow_tv, True Blood_tv and Ethan Embry-The Walking Dead_tv, Sweet Home Alabama. This is a look at race relations and how complicated things can get. Daveed-who is black-and Rafael-who is white-are best buds and have been since they were kids. Daveed is currently on probation and only has 3 days left before he is a free man-so he does not want to mess it up. It's not easy since Rafael is always acting 'gangster' and waving fire arms around while getting into fights. They both work for a moving company and Janina is their boss. Daveed used to date Janina but something happened that cooled their relationship, and sent Daveed to jail-that is why he is on probation. One night, just before his 11:00 pm curfew, Daveed sees Ethan, a white policeman, shoot an unarmed black man-he only shoots him 4 times in the back-and then Ethan gets a 'That_a_boy' for shooting an 'armed' man. At least, that's his story. The dilemma arises; should Daveed come forward and tell the truth and possibly get into trouble that would mess up his parole or keep quite? FYI: Daveed & Rafael are actually friends in real life and they both wrote and produced the movie. Oh yeah, the term blindspotting refers to seeing something or a situation and there being two different responses to what is seen. An example that is used in the movie is a picture of a vase that can also look like two people facing each other. It's rated "R" for language, violence, drug use and sexual content-no nudity-and has a running time of 1 hour & 35 minutes. It's not one that I would buy on DVD-once was enough-but it would be a good rental.