Blade Babji

6.4| 2h36m| en| More Info
Released: 10 December 2008 Released
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Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Blade Babji (Allari Naresh) is a pickpocket who takes up the mission of earning 4 crores to rescue the slum dwellers in his area from a builder. He and his gang go to Vizag and rob a bank. And they hide the loot in a building under construction. They were forced to go away for a month and when they return they find a police control room at the spot where they hidden their loot. In order to retrieve the loot, Blade Babji takes the position of newly joined Krishna Manohar (spoof of Pokiri) by kidnapping him. The rest of the story is all about the comedy of errors that followed.

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