Beyond the Mask

2015 "A revolutionary family adventure of grace and liberty."
5.1| 1h43m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 06 April 2015 Released
Producted By: Burns Family Studios
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A former assassin tries to redeem himself by becoming a masked highwayman in Colonial America.

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Wizard-8 Potential viewers for "Beyond the Mask" might be wary of the movie since it was made by Christian filmmakers. As it turns out, the movie isn't particularly preachy; while there are some declarations of faith, they are just occasional and are never heavy-handed. Another thing about the movie worthy of merit is the depiction of Benjamin Franklin; scenes with this character do have some effective dry humor that does represent the real historical figure well.Apart from those two things I mentioned above, well, the movie simply doesn't work. The idea of the movie - a swashbuckling take on the events leading to America's declaration of independence in 1776 - definitely did have potential. The main problem is that the movie for the most part is really boring. There's far too much talk, and the talk isn't particularly interesting. Yes, there are action sequences sprinkled here and there, but under the direction of Chad Burns the action comes across as really clumsy and choppy, and is sometimes hard to follow.Speaking of things hard to follow, the story has some confusing elements. For example: If the hero has incriminating papers on him, why does he wait so long before trying to use them? And why doesn't he or Franklin simply cut the wires under the city in the climatic sequence instead of doing a one man commando raid on the windmill? These and other instances of characters not doing the obvious thing make the movie really silly at times.The icing on the cake is the general look and feel of the movie. While on one hand it's impressive for what was a REALLY low budget, the movie all the same looks and feels like something made for television instead of theaters.While the movie got the Dove Foundation's seal of approval for family audiences, I think both kids and adults will find the movie very unsatisfying.
HoosierBob This film has some great adventure scenes sprinkled thru-out, and I especially liked the rooftop chase across a fantastic set showing the evening skyline of colonial America. I am a sucker for "period pieces" and it is obvious research was done to get the "feel" of the era, with accurate depictions of forts, prison ships, cargo ships, and the historic locations themselves. John Rhys-Davies always plays a strong part, but either he did not try to steal any scenes with his presence, or the rest of the cast was just that good! The story is credible, (not so far fetched from the tale of what we know about John Paul Jones and his past).Hard to imagine such a great film might be made with such entertainment value, yet the special effects did NOT detract from the acting, and the film had NO nudity!! (In this day and age, LOL)...The only real issue I had with "credibility" is when a structure is being destroyed and two of the main characters, having just escaped from it, took a little too much time, (IMHO) to resume swimming to get out of the area... Splinter city.Loved the film.
saul-hudson Sometimes you really have to wonder at IMDb's review system. It is very obvious that either this movies production staff have been bigging it up or the reviewers who scored this amateurish production 10/10 have extremely low standards.The first 5 minutes were 'ok' apart from the terrible cgi and I hoped it would pick up from there but alas 30 minutes in and I'm marvelling at how easy it is for people who can't act to get into a movie these days.This is a very painful movie to watch. I can liken the acting to the sort of wooden performances given by children at a kindergarten nativity play. Of course a lot of the blame needs to go to the script writer..who is obviously independently wealthy or has friends with too much money and no idea what to do with it. A script like this should never get anywhere near a movie production.As for the director Chad burns? well you only have to look at his resume to understand what went wrong there and his wife Angela(casting dept) didn't help matters much either.Talking of cast, I don't think this bunch really gelled together. John Rhys-Davies seems to have made a career out of trying to carry budget films and TV series with varying degrees of success...didn't work in this case by the way. Kara Kilmer is not really leading lady stuff, at least not with a script like this and Andrew Chaney has only made two previous movies, both of which were not glowing examples of the craft and were obviously some sort of vanity vehicle, casting himself as lead in both cases. Nope, ain't happening. Extra or bit part player maybe but lead? I have no idea who funded this movie but given it's Christian overtones and the way religion in the USA is actively involved in promoting itself through 'good wholesome movies' I would not be surprised if this is yet another example of money over talent in the name of preaching the Christian gospel. Do yourselves and us a favour and leave movie making to those who know how to do it properly? If you have a couple of hours to kill....well, kill it somewhere else. This travesty of a movie is not worth the time or money.
ainsdefcon One of the worst story telling i've ever stumbled upon.When i saw this movie i had to go through an our of reviving my IMDb account, just to say this. *I'm actual laughing* I will cast no shadow over the actors, the picture nor the music. It's good quality throughout most perspective. But the story telling of this movie *now i'm laughing again* is probably ... one of the worst.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Looking at the first 20 minutes tells you that nothing makes sense. (Yes, this spoilers only treats the first 20 minutes or so for the movie, so you can read this and still see the movie without fear of anything important being revealed. If you still want to see it.) There is no thought of what is possible in reality, and that would be okay if it's that kind of movie. But it isn't. In the opening scene the lead character will shoot a flint lock silent sniper rifle with darts that make people fall a sleep instantly. He has a companion that has a wooden thingie the reads distance and wind speed. They fire a crossbow with 600 feet (200m) rope attached (i guess 300 pound (140kg) of weight). They are gliding down on the rope into a ship that is moving. He steels the secret document and jumps in the water with the secret parchment documents which would destroy them. He then meets up with his boss and tell him he wants to change his life and the boss immediately places a car-bomb that is attached in an magnetically fashion under his carriage. (Yes, a 1700's car bomb) They tell the driver and the guy that accompany the hero that the bomb has a 10 second fuse. When the fuse is lit (magically?) the guy in the carriage tries to shoot the hero super killer person. (the guys know there's a bomb so i guess they was willing to die (not to try jumping off)... or just did not like thinking a lot) A person from nowhere rides up to the carriage and warns the hero of the bomb and dies in the action. (where did he come from and why?) The hero is saved by the bell and assumes the identity of the dead man that warned him of the bomb. Now it shows that this man was a priest and the hero takes his identity. (witch seems to be really easy, if the person has no friends or someone who will miss him) The hero swear that he will avenge him and now you think his going to kill people .... but no. That was just for the effect. He now just wants to be a priest and a good person. And so on, and so on. No reality rolls from the film crew and no one asked why and how anything is happening. Thing are done just for the effect with no questions asked. I could go on forever about this movie. About all meaningless odd thing that plays out and all the unjustified small thing that swarms the movie, but i think you have already guessed the movie. Its just about making money on a theme.Me my self love good movies and .... the really really bad crappy ones. (i now, uncommon combo) So i will continue watch this, just to tell friends and have a lot of really good laughs. I will never understand how this movie can have any rating over 1.2 on IMDb. Thats a real mystery that i will never solve. And if i was an serious actor in this movie, i would never tell anyone that i was a part of it. Nor would i do it if i had anything to do with this film.As i said in the beginning. I will not cast any shadow over the actors, the crew, or anyone else ... except the director and the other people that had anything to do with the storytelling.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You will like this movie if you are a boy and don't have any standards.It's a must see for you who love a really good/wretched B-movies. (Especially if you and you're friends have a big hangover and it's Sunday.) Don't see it if you want to see a mediocre or good movie.If you like lousy story telling movies and you want to have a lot of seriously good laughs with you're friend it's at must see as well.Don't see if you want to see more than moving frames.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thanks Google for the help with the translation. :)