Benji the Hunted

1987 "Benji's Back! In the most exciting adventure of his life!"
6.2| 1h28m| G| en| More Info
Released: 05 June 1987 Released
Producted By: Walt Disney Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Benji has become stranded on a remote island after a boating accident. He finds himself struggling to survive in the wilderness, avoiding close encounters with a wolf, a bear, and a territorial female cougar with her cub.

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Walt Disney Pictures

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Will_Folju It's very difficult to fault a movie with imagery as superb as 'benji the hunted'. The score alongside some of the most touching wildlife scenes leave modern, high-budget 'blockbusters' in the B-movie category.Like most reviewing this title, I too grew up watching Benji countless times with a passion to travel overseas and volunteer with wildlife ever since. Any movie that leaves such a lasting impression and consistently delivers thoughts of awe decades after its release deserves an excellent score.This is one of those films!
jgraziano2 After re-watching the previous Benji movies I had a difficult time locating this one. I loved it and am actually glad I got to see this one last. It just may be the best one. It really is heartbreaking( and somewhat annoying) to read some of the negative posts about the Benji films because these people seem to be unfairly comparing the movies to the hit-and-run stuff that is cranked out by Hollywood today. That's right, Benji movies have no big special effects, no big stars, no foul language, etc, etc, but they have something more important than those things, they have a lot of HEART. Director Joe Camp has clearly earned his place in movie history with his desire to create family entertainment in these films and they are even now being regarded as classics. Deservedly so.
eddy-28 Our great K-9 Friend and Rescue Helper Benji is on his way to the forest to help bring a mountain lion's cubs back together again. But on the way, Benji faces the lion, birds and a killer wolf on his persuit. This disney movie is great for the family and not to be missed and a great award to Director Joe Camp and Benji himself. Astonising Forest Photography!
Michael Muldowney As with the first two adventures the performance of Benji in this movie is amazing. What's more the makers have a bigger budget so the set pieces involving wild animals and the photography throughout is really sensational. Again this film got largely ignored - which is truly a shame.