Ben Elton: Very Live

1993 "Very Live. Tour de Force 1993."
Ben Elton: Very Live
6.7| 1h40m| en| More Info
Released: 29 November 1993 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Not just a tour but a Tour de Force, for this was the tour that grew. Originally planned to play just 40 dates, such was it's phenomenal success that it expanded to a staggering 112 performances and was seen by well over 200,000 people around the country. Now everyone has the chance to see this completely new and hilarious show for this is Ben Elton captured live and at his very best, just like being there in fact, maybe even better because this way you don't have to park your car or queue for the bogs at the interval!

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Ben Elton


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