Not many movies are so bad, I stop watching them. This is one. I saw the first Behind Enemy Lines, and it was an OK action movie. Not too special, but quite enjoyable to watch. I expected something similar with this part II. Boy, was I wrong! For an action movie, first of all this film is s - l - o - o - o - w - w: only after about an hour the action starts. Second, if you are a bit sensitive, you will get motion sick by the totally unnecessary jerky camera movements. If it weren't that annoying, it would be laughable that the director tried to hide the lack of real tension or action by heavy shaking of the camera. Third, the reaction of the North Koreans is totally unbelievable. I mean, a prisoner who is liberated will commit suicide?? And a North Korean army officer will allow an American seal to blow up a rocket?? Already a shallow introduction to North Korean society will reveal how it functions and what role the army plays.I couldn't take it any longer, I tried, but finally I HAD to stop watching. Don't bother watching this movie, it's a waste of time.
Not realistic movie. When the North Korean commander "asked" Robert James to destroy missile silo... too much. Also directing was bad. When i first heard the movie name i was excited but when i watched --> such a waist of time.Behind Enemy Lines was a good movie. Now there are available Behind Enemy Lines & Behind Enemy Lines II together in same DVD-case and there will be more disappointed people.The makers of this film should go back to school and when they have a great name for a film "Axis of Evil" the product should reply the name and this doesn't.
Some examples (can't be spoilers because you can't spoil a rotten movie): Camera was constantly shaken and double-imaged during any action scene. Keep a bag or bucket handy. Camera tricks and double images even were used when a truck is seen being driven down a dirt road - not even a chase.Four very fit and trim Navy Seals can't catch a 9 year old undernourished Korean boy - how can that happen? And some of them are running in the empty forest with their M?? held up to their face.They want to catch the kid so he won't report them to the village, but they chase him right into the village and into his mother's house. Did they suddenly get capes of invisibility? And they have seen the village before with binoculars so they had a general idea of the layout. Four Seals "lose" a gun battle with North Korean troops that followed them to the forest in 4 VW vans, but 2 Seals and 3 or 4 South Korean infiltrators are able to fight a gun battle and escape from the middle of a small North Korean base - driving an apparently bullet-proof taxi. Maybe it was invisible during the 3 donuts it made in the center of the camp. Had to fast forward thru the last half of the movie to just to check if the camera settled down - it didn't.Not that there is anything wrong with it, but the South Koreans come out as the intelligent and capable ones while the U.S. just bumbles thru.
excessive use of Cinematographic effects. its very distracting making it almost impossible to focus on the story line. not to be mean or anything but looks like this guy just came out of film school and wanted to try it all. this could have been a far much better movie. the cameras movie move around too much though out the film and the lighting is off in the Korean scenes give the viewer a sense of the time line being somewhere in the 70's or 80's like a flashback effect. seems the best scenes int this movie are the conversations between the U.S President and the Ambassador.if they used these effects to intensify moment and i wish they actually made use of a steady cam's capabilities not just have it shaking like a saltshaker. i loved the first movie and i was a little bit heart broken when i saw this.