Be with You

2004 "A six-week miracle, a lifelong love."
Be with You
7.8| 1h59m| en| More Info
Released: 30 October 2004 Released
Producted By: Toho Pictures
Country: Japan
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When two souls find one another, nothing can tear them apart. Widower Takumi lives a quiet life with his six-year-old son Yuji after the loss of wife and mother Mio. Yuji unfailingly remembers her promise to him: "I'll be with you again in a year's time, when the rains come." On the first anniversary of her passing, Takumi and Yuji are taking a walk in the woods when they come across a woman sheltering from a monsoon downpour.

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Tips Cuerdo I always find myself scouring books and movies during my free time. But this movie was not accidentally found under the covers of dusty cupboards or old bed sheets. It's a movie that I have watched with my love one, and it's a movie I'll cherish even after she's gone.Be with you (Ima, Ai Ni Yukimasu) is a film that's affected my sense of time, both in the real world and the dream world. And it's going to do so for the years to come. Mind you guys, I'm more of a fan of chick flicks and B movies that just stretches my face because of laughter. But if you ever get a glimpse of this movie, you'll definitely find yourself thinking of other reelers like The Time Traveler's Wife.The story is non-linear and linear at the same time. It's a love story, not that revolves between two lovers but a love story of a family. It's mushy, funny at some point... just the right type of movie that you would enjoy watching during a blissful rainy day, pun intended. What I really like about the flick is how the actors gave the characters, well, their characters. Raw emotions here and there. Even Yuji, the kid, was awesome. The non-diegetic scoring (outside of the film sounds and tunes) fit at every moment.No wonder it grossed around 47 million dollars!This film is not for the typical man, because only real man can appreciate the beauty of having a family.I heard the book is a great read too. If you want a funny movie with a theme similar to this one, I recommend watching Cyborg Girl (Boku no Kanojo wa Saibōgu).But if you really want to cuddle and kiss under the rain, this movie is a definite must-watch, together with pizza, cola, and a roll of tissue.
jmaruyama Doi Nobuhiro began his career directing a string of successful Japanese TV melodramas such as the poignant student-teacher romance "Majo No Joken" ('99) and the emotionally charged "Beautiful Life" ('00). Doi's beautiful storytelling style easily won over audiences and it was just a matter of time that he would bring his skillful talents to the big screen.Based on the tearful novel by Ichikawa Takuji of the same name, "Ima Ai Ni Yukimasu" (Lit. I Will Go To You AKA Be With You) was Doi's first foray into movies and is a deeply touching and romantic film that is a definite winner.As many here at IMDb have noted, while the story does seem somewhat sentimental and melodramatic at points, the story is beautifully told and will have you believing in the power of love and destiny."Ima Ai Ni Yukimasu" pulls at the heart strings with its slow and methodical presentation at showing the developing love between the two lovers, Mio and Takumi.Nakamura Shido (Yamato, Letters from Iwo Jima, Ping Pong) and Takeuchi Yuko (Ring) are fantastic and enchanting as the destined lovers and have a magical chemistry on screen. Takei Akashi is a bit overly cute as young Yuji but is likable.The supporting cast is also superb with the talents of 'You' (the derelict mother from "Dare Mo Shirenai" AKKA Nobody knows) and Ichikawa Mikako (Natsuko Aki from "Cutey Honey").Not surprisingly, an American remake is being planned (2007) entitled "Be With You" and is set to star Jennifer Garner in the role of the "Mio" character. Whether it will have the same emotional impact as the original remains to be seen. For now audiences should seek this gem of a movie out. A perfect film for lovers especially on Valentine's Day.
frando22 I enjoy Japanese drama but I am not an admirer of their films. Because I think they are not as romantic as their drama. It's a different thing with Korean, since I enjoy lots of the movies but I prefer watch Japanese drama. But this one is just exceptional! This is certainly one of the best film that I've ever seen. The story seems to be a bit slow for my liking at the beginning, but It just getting better and better every minute. And I must say, the ending is the best of all. I often see film that began very brightly but give a disappointed end. But not this one. And after you saw this Film, you just don't wanna do anything except lying and feel and enjoy the warmth that has been given by this film.
perezidential-2 Reading the summaries and reviews of the film, I had several expectations of what would happen. The grieving husband and son of a woman who died at a young age struggle with her loss. Miraculously, she comes back to life ( returning from heaven or some other place) for 6 weeks, one year after her death, during the rainy season, only to leave again after the season is over.Considering the "coming back to life" plot device isn't without precedent, the American film "Ghost" (with Demi Moore) is but one example, I expected the characters to display the usual gamut of emotions - initial shock that the person has come back, joy that they get to relive their moments together, and ultimately grief that he/she must depart again. This film was not without those moments, but the quality of the acting and the beautiful scenery and photography put it a cut above the rest. However, what puts this film into "classic" status is the ingenious weaving of past, present, and future to deliver a stunning finale that will put every missing piece of the puzzle into place while leaving the audience simply awestruck with emotion. There are few films which I would tell a friend or associate that they "must see this now." This is one of them. Just see it and be amazed.