Bald Mountain

Bald Mountain
7| 2h0m| en| More Info
Released: 18 October 2013 Released
Producted By: Globo Filmes
Country: Brazil
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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In 1980, best friends Juliano and Joaquin join the gold rush at Serra Pelada, Bald Mountain, a mountain town near the mighty Amazon river. As the town grows in numbers, it also sees an explosion in violent crime and pollution. Soon the friends' dreams of hitting the jack pot are shattered. Winner of the 2014 Cinema Brazil Grand Prize.

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Globo Filmes

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kosmasp This story is about literal gold diggers. And while I guess some may compare it to City of God for mining, it wouldn't be fair to the movie itself. Try to watch this as open minded as possible. The characters may make it tough to really enjoy it, because our heroes are not really likeable. But it does try to stay as real as possible while doing so.It may not be everyones taste but it does fulfill what it sets out to do. If money or the prospect of it (no pun intended) makes people greedy and crazy, imagine what happens with Gold. There is nudity and there is a lot of violence too. So if you like watching movies that depict a certain time era or a certain feeling, this will be right up your alley. It's well done, but is not easy to like
colinbrydon This movie was playing on some obscure TV channel late at night, I was bored so watched it. WOW I love movies but this one blew me away.. All I can say is you ever happen upon this movies watch it.....You will get drawn in just like I was...The characters in this movie were superior to western stars////
sergioosolev I have to say that i'm a fan of Brazilian movies! After saying that, let's focus in this one. A very intense drama about two friends in search of a better life. Very well acted and directed, this one keeps us on the edge till the end.Another one that goes to my recommendation list.