
2008 "A weekend retreat... where no one returns."
4.5| 1h25m| R| en| More Info
Released: 03 January 2008 Released
Producted By: Larry Levinson Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A group of friends embark on a camping trip for a ten-year high school reunion. Their celebration soon turns into a battle for survival when they realize that the locals, who are not what they seem, are hunting them down.

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Larry Levinson Productions

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khilton49 This movie was absolutely terrifying. I'm sure it'll run through my mind when I drive through some of those back-woods places. The characters were grotesque and I don't think I'll *ever* watch this movie again, but it served its purpose. I don't know whether it was a cold room or getting the bejesus scared out of me, but i shivered quite a bit. Right off hand I'm gonna tell that this movie isn't anything you haven't seen before. It has a typical horror movie set up: a bunch of young people in the woods in the backcountry of some state who run into a bunch of psychos who want to hunt them down and butcher them. If you're thinking " wow, that sounds a lot like the Texas Chain Saw Massacre", well, you'd be thinking right. There's even a gas station scene with a weird creepy hick. But I'm not trying to convey the message that is a Chain saw Massacre rip-off. Texas Chain Saw Massacre was awesome, so I see no problem in people wanting to make more movies like it. But anyways, Backwoods offers nothing new to genre, it's just a plain good ole slice 'em and dice 'em popcorn horror flick. It's not trying to be exceptional, it's just trying be a horror film with enough blood, gore and thrills to suffice any horror fan for the 84 duration time, and in that context, it succeeds.
brutkopp this is a good movie to watch with a bunch of friends. It's not extremely scary just a bunch of suspenseful moments. It's not really the type of movie that will make you say that was so scary. more like man that was so awesome. plus Haylie Duff is fine as hell. Anyways i recommend at least renting this movie its pretty fun. There were times when you knew what was going to happen (like in most movies), but it still scared me at times! The ending was really good too. I can't wait this director come up with another movie in this gender. I definitely..Look for his next movie in the further for sure!, don't miss it!! A+
Kod_martin The film opens as a couple in a national park are attacked and taken hostage. Later the woman is raped and made pregnant while the man is killed.Mark Till is a young and handsome CEO, a self-made sporting-goods tycoon who sees human survival as a skill to be honed and cherished in the boardroom and beyond. That's why each year he sponsors a week-long survival getaway to test the mettle of twelve lucky employees, to challenge them, body and mind. This year it's a paintball war in the remote woods/ national park in northern California. Motivated, mid-level executive Abby Winters is looking forward to leaving the civil confines of Los Angeles for something so primal, invigorating, and exciting. Total outsiders to the wary locals, these urban Rambos think they're ready for anything.On the first day the Alpha and Bravo camps are set up. In the night, one of Abby's team, Adam Benson hears a noise in the dark and goes to investigate, but sees nothing. The next day the Paintball War begins. A few minutes later a member of Abby's team pops a figure ambling through the woods. Score one for Alpha. Until they realize that the person they hit isn't part of either team. While attempting to make it back to camp the Beta team comes across an abandoned house. Inside they are attacked and kidnapped by people with primitive weapons like axes and bows. The people who kidnapped them are part of an over zealous religious group, who have mistaken the team for FBI Agents who have supposedly come to claim their land. The Alpha group return to their camp and find it ransacked and their gas siphoned off. As they try to find some gas they are attacked. The group's leader is killed while Adam and the others barely manage to escape. Adam then attempts to contact the Park Ranger, but his call is intercepted by one of the cult and he and the other's are captured by a man posing as a Park Ranger. Then Maggie (one of the girl's in the Beta group) is shown. The leader of the cult (called 'Mother') tells her that the cult's camp is her home now. Then she is taken and raped by 'Mother's biological son. The woman who was captured at the beginning is now shown to be pregnant. Lee (from Group Alpha) is also taken and prepared to be raped while the boys are put in to cages and brutalized by the males in the cult. The fake ranger who appears to be Mother's husband and the Cult's protector, takes Adam and tortures him, attempting to get information about the FBI's plans. When Adam resist's he sends one of the other cult members to finish him off. As his throat is about to be slit, Adam who has broken free of his ropes, attacks and kills his would-be murderer. He then sets the surviving guys (only three have survived the brutalizing) free. They then escape (killing several cult members along the way) and rescue the girls. Maggie (the Beta group's girl) is hysteric about being raped. The group escapes with Lee, who had managed to run away just before being raped. They are then pursued by the cultists. After setting fire to the compound, they are cornered outside it. As they are about to be executed, they turn the tables, taking Mother hostage. One of the group is killed and the others escape, severely injuring and killing several cultists. Later the other boy in the group, besides Adam is killed, when he falls prey to a trip wire rigged trap. The group makes it up to a mountain where Maggie, who is now delusional from the drugs given to her and the trauma, commits suicide by jumping off the cliff. Lee and Adam escape by jumping into a river and swimming to the shore, where they meet the real Park Ranger. Then Mother's husband, her son and another Cultist arrive in a truck and shoot Ranger Rick with an arrow. Adam then takes his gun and shoots both the cultists. Mother's husband attempts to run Adam down but collides with the Ranger's truck. Adam shoots him as he begs for help. Later the FBI and the Police arrive, giving medical attention to Adam and Lee. Adam is disturbed to hear that only two bodies were recovered from the final confrontation.Later a FBI team is trekking through the forest, searching for the cult when the girl from the beginning of the movie comes out of a cave, having finally escaped from the cult. As the agent leading the group walks towards her she shouts for her to run. Then they are confronted by Mother's son, who has survived the gunshot wound and the movie ends
matttieee123 And no, not horrible for the violence/gore. This movie is just plain horrible because of the acting, directing, cinematography and far-fetched storyline. I strongly DON"T recommend this film to you because: 1: The story line is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Since when has work been playing paintball in the woods?! 2: Furthering my point of ridiculousness, a cult in the woods run by crazy old women. HUH?? 3: The acting is really bad. So bad, it probably would have been better if Paris Hilton was in it. 4: It's predictable to a high level. 5: It doesn't even meet the standards of a B grade movie which it is trying to be.So don't be fooled by the "Haylie Duff" on the cover because she is probably the only decent actor in the film but she is hardly in it. If you want to see a decent movie about the woods, see "Wrong Turn" which makes a lot more sense and provides a lot more scares than this disaster of a movie.