Babysitter Massacre

Babysitter Massacre
4.1| 1h19m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 12 April 2013 Released
Producted By: New Dynamic
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A group of young women teamed together in their youth to run a babysitting business, when one of their friends died suddenly the group fell apart. Now years later they are all going their separate ways as college approaches, but on Halloween night someone is torturing and killing every member of the babysitter club...

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Michael Ledo Seven years ago April was killed on Halloween by an unknown assailant. She was part of the babysitters club. Now they are being killed off with only one suspect.The film lacked the dialog to be a classic, yet at the same time had some weird scenes like the candy scene with Stephanie Michael. The slasher aspect was mediocre. What the film had going for it was an abundance of nudity of healthy girls.Parental Guide: F-bomb, No sex. Full frontal nudity (Erin R. Ryan, Tara Clark, Odette Despairr, Stephanie Michael, Joni Durian)7 stars for the nudity.
TdSmth5 It's Halloween and some guy is kidnapping babysitters, torturing them, and killing them. He sends pictures of the dead to Erin who thinks they're pictures of Halloween costumes. Years ago Erin and these girls formed a babysitters club. One Halloween night two of them went home and one of them never came back. The surviving girl is traumatized and thinks she sees the killer everywhere, she's now some tough punk chick. Erin is friends with a kind old guy neighbor who's retired and a widower.This Halloween, Erin's mom leaves for a party and Erin invites three friends for a slumber party. They play the Ouija board to see if they can communicate with the dead girl and find out who her killer is. Punk chick leaves in disgust. It's not long before the killer makes it into Erin's house and takes the three remaining girls. But this time he has a sick proposition for the three. One of them is bound to a chair and if the other two don't kill her he will kill them all. At this point, punk chick returns because she's worried. The identity of the killer is revealed and the reasons for the killings as well.Babysitter Massacre is a surprisingly strong movie. If you've watched Alternative Cinema's other offerings you know to expect a low budget movie, uneven acting, troublesome sound and poor cinematography. As I was watching the previews I worried as some of them look just like the movies by AC from 10 years ago. But this one is good. Writer/director Cuoto always had potential. His previous work always was a step beyond others of its kind. And I'm glad as years have gone byy the quality of his work has steadily progressed. Babysitter Massacres looks good, has good audio, and good acting for the most part. Not only that but it has a good story and some developed characters. Many filmmakers claim to be horror fans but they give us nothing but sanitized formulaic horror movies. Babysitter Massacre is done in the spirit of the 80s/90s "The ______ Massacre" movies. It has gore, violence, nudity, characters to root for, a striking death scene.Of course this movie as C horror movie has weaknesses too. Some are expected for the budget and filming conditions. You can always ask for better image/lighting/audio, acting, sets, effects, and so on with these movies. Perhaps more surprising is how short this movie is. Too short. It would have helped to tell us more about the early victims. We only learn about the first one and a bit about another one as well. But the other scenes are just some random girl that's grabbed and put on the victim's chair. The punk chick is a bit to mean and tough, they could have defined her role as the heroine a bit more. Overall a success of a movie and I hope there will be sequels.
movieman_kev This movie is exactly what it says on the tin, so to speak. Babysitters do indeed get massacred in this welcome throwback to the glory (gory) days of the slasher films of the '80s to early nineties. Angela (Erin Ryan) plans a Halloween party hoping to bring her friends closer together, who drifted apart after a childhood trauma. Unbeknownst to her, there's a masked killer running around murdering.... Babysitters. Who will survive? Who is this masked maniac? Far be it from me to spoil the fun. Just watch it if you love the horror of the 1980s.Eye Candy: Pretty much all the main actresses show skin and then some
Woodyanders A group of young women get back together for a reunion of their babysitters club on Halloween. However, a vicious mysterious killer starts picking off the gals left and right. Writer/director Henrique Cuoto relates the familiar, but still fun and effective premise at a brisk pace, draws the personable main characters with surprising and refreshing depth, builds a good deal of tension in the nerve-wracking last third, and delivers oodles of tasty gratuitous female nudity. The brutal murder set pieces pack quite a savage punch while the downbeat ending manages to be both startling and devastating. Moreover, it's capably acted by a sturdy cast: The adorable Erin R. Ryan radiates tremendous sweet charm as the perky Angela, Marylee Osborne excels as scrappy guilt-ridden punk rebel outcast Bianca, and Geoff Burkman registers nicely as the regretful Mr. Walker, plus there are sound contributions from Joni Durian as the meek Lucky, Tara Clark as the brash and aggressive Arlene, and Haley Madison as the bitter Cassandra. The tight 78 minute running time ensures that this picture never gets tedious or overstays its welcome. Cuoto's vibrant cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. The shivery score by Buzz Amato and Rick Hinkle hits the shuddery spot. Recommended viewing for slice'n'dice fans.