Baby Brown

1990 "They’re tough but beautiful... cops."
5.8| 1h33m| en| More Info
Released: 09 November 1990 Released
Producted By: J.F. Film Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Action thriller trails two attractive female cops (Zoli Marki and Kryska Witowska) on the hunt for a lethal drug lord who’s responsible for injuring one of the women’s former partners. Things get even more dangerous when the two women learn they must guard the suspect’s girlfriend, who has decided to testify against him.

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J.F. Film Productions


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mmoses9824 This flick rocks!!! Action from start to finish. Hot chicks, whacked out drug dealers, and more guns than in the U.S. Army!!! Not exactly the easiest flick to find but really worth the search. Definately part of my collection.
enferes Joe Ford is one of the most cutting edge directors out there. He has done multiple genres and proven that nothing is beyond his cinematic talents. Baby Brown is another fine example of how celluloid can be molded into a lasting masterpiece. Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, Seven: none of those action cop films can stand anywhere near this pic. Watch it and find yourself too breathless to say, "Whoa."
satanstolemytb Joe For is my country's Steven Spielberg. The guy can do no wrong. This movie is great and I don't even like action. It gives American movies a run for their money. Who says Yanks are the only ones that live exciting live?