August Underground's Mordum

August Underground's Mordum
3| 1h17m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2003 Released
Producted By: Toetag Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two deranged friends bring along another guy to go on a random murder rampage. They kidnap lesbian lovers and couples and torture them.

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Toetag Pictures

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BA_Harrison Fred Vogel's original August Underground was a totally repulsive, yet very convincing piece of fake snuff that worked well due to the fine performances from the leads, the authentic camera-work, and the ultra-realistic gore.For their follow up movie, August Underground's Mordum, ToeTag Pictures have increased the level of sickness, depravity and violence, but in doing so, have lessened its effectiveness as pseudo-snuff. What happens in Mordum is so OTT and grotesque, that it no longer seems real. Despite being a wall-to-wall catalogue of violence, the result is a pretty tedious film (there's just TOO MUCH screaming and swearing) which ultimately lacks the visceral impact and shock value of its predecessor.Although not a great film, Mordum will nevertheless find an audience amongst gore-hounds and fans of extreme cinema thanks to some fine stomach-churning effects and a few very sick taboo-busting scenes: a man is forced to emasculate himself with a pair of scissors; a woman makes herself vomit over her two screaming victims (who not once put up any resistance); a man guts a woman, then drops his trousers and proceeds to have a go at the dead woman's abdominal cavity; and then there's the notorious bath scene which takes sexual deviancy on film to a new (low) level—Hell, I don't even want to describe what happens here!!I'm going to be generous and award Mordum 4 out of 10 for its sheer audacity and willingness to go the extra mile to offend, but to be honest I found it quite tiresome; it really should've been so much better.
bp Smith Sickly-looking Goth Whites display their taste for acting out on camera in all manner of Shocking Ways (tm). From "August Underground" to "Sandman", too bad this and other examples of this 'sub-genre' are not legitimate filmmaking but rather the inevitable result of those with borderline personalities having access to video equipment. Needless to say, (or maybe not) *actual* human or animal suffering or death are never acceptable in *any* so-called film. As well, decontextualized acts of violence and silly-looking gore effects do not constitute a worthwhile experience for the end viewer. For those so inclined, watch a *real* genre film instead and learn to appreciate cinema- instead of just fake vomit and vicarious brutality.
adi_2002 The movie doesn't have any story at all. Filmed documentary style to be more realistic ( if like there was any need for that ), it shows a group of very sick peoples torturing and depravity among others. The content is too strong it will bother any hardcore horror fan and it was the most disgusting film I EVER seen. Perversions shown may give too many that the movie is a real trash and it really is but for some kind of viewers this could mean art. Of course those who agree with that kind of stuff are not sick people but they perceive fun in another way like normal peoples.The sound and image are terrible but adds a bigger shock to the movie. In the end one advice : don't go to eat during or after you watched this because you will have trouble doing this.
CyMaddux Well, about what you would expect I guess. There isn't much of a storyline here at all. You are going to get your sick crap and plenty of it. Not really much outside of torture, bondage rape kinda stuff. There isn't any plot and there is a lot of yelling throughout the whole movie. Lots of rape, violent torture stuff, just tries to be sick, but it's pretty fake to me. I guess for a low budget the effects probably aren't that bad. I guess some people might like this kind of stuff, but I am not one. I have it a 2 just due to the lead actress, she can act for sure.