Assalamualaikum Beijing 2: Lost in Ningxia

Assalamualaikum Beijing 2: Lost in Ningxia
5.5| 0h30m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 0001 Post Production
Producted By: 786 Production
Country: Indonesia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website:

Aisha thought she had found happiness with Arif, a figure who perfectly complemented her life. Making her not hesitate to remove all obstacles, even the most difficult ones, to prove how great her love was. In fact, the love that Aisha believed in not only gave her wings to fly high, but also dropped her from the highest place, taking her to wander the jungle without a clear goal. Making her ask, Have the decisions she has made so far been right? Where will her love find its estuary? Truly God is All-Good, the journey through Ningxia made Aisha realize that time is another form of His goodness. And the most important part is not the beginning, but the end. Always the end.

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786 Production

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