Archie's Weird Mysteries: Archie and the Riverdale Vampires

Archie's Weird Mysteries: Archie and the Riverdale Vampires
5.5| 1h11m| en| More Info
Released: 30 August 2000 Released
Producted By: Universal Studios Home Video
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Meet Archie Andrews, ace reporter for the Riverdale High School student paper. Weirdness is his beat. It all starts the day the local TV station plays a twelve-hour monster movie marathon, followed by a trivia contest. Archie should have known something was wrong when Jughead actually wins! It turns out, the TV station has been invaded by a body-snatching space spud. When the bad guys are supernatural, all bets are off. Archie faces his greatest challenge yet when Riverdale is invaded by a gang of hungry vampires. Things come to a chilling climax at Veronica's Halloween party as Reggie, Betty, Jughead and Archie are turned into vampires, one by one - until only Veronica is left to save the world! But can she do it without messing up her hairdo or breaking a nail...?

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Universal Studios Home Video

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