Another Earth

6.9| 1h32m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 22 July 2011 Released
Producted By: Fox Searchlight Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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On the night of the discovery of a duplicate Earth in the Solar system, an ambitious young student and an accomplished composer cross paths in a tragic accident.

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celtigra The acting in this film is superb. If you are looking for constant movement this is not for you. It is not I grant you the usual type of science fiction film I would watch but it was such a thoughtful film. I loved it.
lanechaffin-964-63190 After reading the reviews about how slow the movie was, with some reviewers saying they struggled to get through it or quit watching altogether, I was kind of concerned. Decided to watch it anyway. My attention never wavered from start to finish. I didn't find it slow at all. There wasn't the computer-generated crap you see on so many movies today. Rather, it provokes thought and imagination from the viewer. If you enjoy watching good well-crafted movies you will not be disappointed.
axapvov It seems that grief films aren´t very popular. I think one shouldn´t set aside one film just because of its subject matter. I find "The Son´s Room" and "In the Bedroom" to be excellent grief films, if you´re interested. "Another Earth" has been accused of not being able to incorporate the big idea into the narrative. Well, this isn´t "Arrival", it´s far from having the necessary means. As a charming very low-budget film, the idea of a mirror earth is just there to support the main concept: what if you could meet yourself? It makes sense to center the plot around guilt and self-reproach. The existence of a mirror earth is in fact just a background but adding the tangible possibility of meeting yourself sustains the plot. Without it, this would be just an average drama. Instead it sets interesting questions around that possibility. How do our decisions and mistakes shape us? Do we like what we see in the mirror? Would we want to meet ourselves? Are we full of ourselves? Can we forgive ourselves?It also gives an inner voice to the main character. When she doesn´t speak much we learn about her through those bits. It´s a twist, but an insightful one. It´s always better to have a good twist than none at all. The whole movie unwinds around that idea effectively. The scene with the old janitor is specially touching.The problem is, in my opinion, there´s something terribly off in the scenes with the two main characters. It´s not too bad since they´re supposed to be tense, but there´s an important lack of chemistry. Maybe I just don´t like William Mapother. He´s in my acting blacklist since I saw "In the Bedroom", seriously, I don´t like to pick on someone else´s job but yeah, he´s awful and nearly destroys the film. On the other hand, Brit Marling saves it all, including the extremely shy direction from Mike Cahill.
Count Tepes Enjoyable enough.A fairly pedestrian story which doesn't tax the brain in the slightest. I found I had no problem getting up and going off to get a drink or snack without hitting pause But as I started watching it occurred to me that it is a remake of sorts.