Animals Are Beautiful People

8.2| 1h32m| en| More Info
Released: 15 November 1974 Released
Producted By: Mimosa Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Animals Are Beautiful People (aka Beautiful People) is a 1974 nature documentary about the wildlife in Southern Africa. It was filmed in the Namib Desert, the Kalahari Desert and the Okavango River and Okavango Delta. It was produced for cinema and has a length of slightly more than 90 minutes.

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Mimosa Films

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martin-fennell I've seen this movie many times.This is one of the best nature films ever made. It is a mixture of comedy, violence, sadness, and all other things that go to make up this world. The creatures will make you laugh, be amazed and maybe even draw a tear. Faultless direction. One of my favourites. I recommend this without reservation.
Nobody-27 I've seen more than my fair share of documentaries, and even some less known nature documentaries. They all have something special about them, but not one goes to such great lengths to not only show us the beauty of nature (Africa), but also animals being simply - funny to no end. The research and work that went into making of this film, as well as the effort that it must've taken to put it all together in such a fun package is well worthy of any award. This film is for all fun loving nature and animal lovers out there. If you have kids, or are a big kid yourself, even better. Sit back and enjoy, you will not be disappointed (only pleasantly surprised). Even though this gem falls under a category "documentary" it feels like a feature film due to its fun nature where animals are like actors telling us their stories. So, do not disregard it due to its label - documentaries can be dry and underwhelming, but this one is exact opposite.
yngyani I watched this movie when i was 12 yrs old, it left an impression in my mind and i still am in awe abt the movie and the scenes depicted in it.the Bedouins sleeping on the desert dunes with their heads raised...could not imagine doing it.a single drop of morning dew acts as a magnifying lenses to set a tree full of birds nest on fire.the wild berries intoxicating effects on the monkey..awesomeDuring the great summer when there is a drought, the local tribesman catches a monkey and starves it by tying it to stake in the hot sun. feeds it with rock salt..making the monkey dreadfully thirsty.and when he releases the monkey, the first thing the ape does is scamper towards the hidden oasis...this is the best scene.highly recommended movie..must see with your kids and family.i ordered one from amazon..too good
biljana-1 I loved this movie so much that I watched it at least 5 times at the very time when it was released. I've just seen it again after 27 years and I am still in love with it. Seeing that, my friend Sandy promised to buy me a copy for Christmas. Guess how many more times I am going to watch it?! I greatly recommend this movie to all people of all ages.