Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"1809 Andreas Hofer - Die Freiheit des Adlers" is a collaboration between Austria, Germany and Italy from 2002, so this film has its 15th anniversary this year. The director is Xaver Schwarzenberger and he is mostly known today still for his Otto movies I guess. And probably also for being Rainer Werner Fassbinder's cinematographer decades ago. The writer is Felix Mitterer and huge German/Austrian film buffs may have come across some other work by him already, but there is nothing in his body of work that was really a gigantic success, so this film here is certainly a contender for his most known effort. This also has to do with the cast. Moretti, Kroetz, Gedeck, Markovics, Krisch, Fischer, Wöhler... are all performers who have appeared in many quality movies, so it's really a strong ensemble here. And if you see some of these names as well the origins of the writer and director, then you may guess correctly that the focus here is entirely on Austria, namely on Andreas Hofer, who is still today considered among the biggest heroes the country has ever see because of his relentless fight for his country and people and against the oppressors from outside the borders. A fight that he paid for with his life eventually. Looking at Hofer's fame and popularity today centuries later, it is really pretty surprising that there are so few films about him really. I believe the reason for that can also be found in this movie. There is no myth à la Stauffenberg surrounding Hofer. It is such a specific complicated subject and while the acting, the costumes, the sets etc. were all solid if not strong even, there was something missing to really get the audience involved in my opinion. You probably need a deep interest in European history, preferably Austrian history of the 19th century, before watching this movie or it will be as underwhelming and forgettable as it was for me eventually. Little stayed memorable for me here. It was kinda nice to see Moretti and Markovics reunite again for example and there were some scenes at least that had me close to the edge of my seat, but from the historic perspective, actually the essence of the film, I was just never impressed at all. I found it extremely difficult to care for any of the characters in here too and yes that includes the title character. As a consequence the film dragged more than just a bit during its massive 110 minutes running time. Pity. I really wish I could like this more. But I have to give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended.