
2003 "When you love someone express it"
5.2| 2h26m| en| More Info
Released: 23 May 2003 Released
Producted By: Shree Krishna International
Country: India
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Young Raj Malhotra (Akshay Kumar) lives with his elder brother, Rohit; his sister-in-law Kiran, and a niece. After an accident fractures his leg, he is unable to walk for some time. Due to psychological reasons, he cannot walk even after the fracture heals. When the Malhotras move to Dehra Dun, Raj befriends young Kajal (Dutta), as both share a common passion for airplanes. Kajal encourages Raj to walk, and succeeds. Years later the two continue to be fast friends, and everyone expects them to marry soon. Then Raj is recruited by the Indian Air Force and goes for training for a year and a half. After his training gets over, he rushes to Kajal to propose to her, only to find out that she has given her heart to a multimillionaire, Karan Singhania (Verma), who owns several airplanes and choppers. Raj congratulates Kajal and Karan, but does not reveal his true feelings.

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aaronbir Nice to see the best actor akshay Kumar he was superb in his performance priyanka performance was fine Lara was outstanding in her first film appearance This movie gives a decent strong message of love story Great story line and a great screenplay Songs are really impressive Overall 4/5 starsIt's really good
AishFan I thought this movie was fabulous. Its strong point would definitely be Priyanka Chopra who didn't get to showcase her talents in The Hero. Lara seemed disappointing. Akshay, as always, carried out his role well. Songs were good. Besides the twist in Lara's life, the story was not new. However, the way in which it was delivered along with the fresh faces made it very enjoyable.
jungleking What can I say about Andaaz?Why is the world such a small place in bollywood movies? One should pass a law on coincidental occurrences in bollywood movies, and maybe them will they take notice of the real world going on's.Akshay acting has really matured from the time he joined bollywood, with the most dramatic turn change since Dhadkan, with his acting in andaaz being very good. Lara and Priyanka are, well. typical beauty queens trying to act. To be honest they have potential, especially Lara, but I guess we will have to wait and see if she becomes another Ash or Namrita!Positive points about the movie, apart from Akshay, are the songs which are really good, as are their picturisations. Story wise, it is the typical same old story recycled for the modern genre, with new faces and more skin. I think that the producers are hoping for the less-is-more theory, i.e. less clothes means more box-office receipts. But seriously, we need to get new and fresh screenwriters into the industry to bring in line with the demands of the new generation.
whusayn A re-make of prem rog... a very boring movie....and very predictable... u all have seen it before.... whats the point watching it all over again. Only worth watching the two models..lara dutta and priyanka chopra...they will become good actresses!!