And the Wind Weeps

And the Wind Weeps
5.5| 0h25m| en| More Info
Released: 23 January 2024 Released
Producted By: SRF
Country: Switzerland
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Daut, a survivor of a massacre where his son was killed, has been rehearsing a letter for 20 years on what he will say if Hague ever calls him to testify for the horrors he has seen that day. The burden of memories gets heavier when he gets the news that his brother died of an illness, making Daut the only last survivor to remember the event. His mind starts to fail him on important details of the testimony. He might never bring justice for his son. For his brother. For his friends. Will the dead forgive him for giving up and being handed over to oblivion?

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