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Since I use a rental service that bills me monthly no matter how many movies I take out, ALIEN BLOOD cost me essentially only the time I spent watching it. Fortunately the fast forward button puts this expenditure entirely under my control. When confronted with a film like this, i.e. a cinematic shipwreck, I take one of two paths. I can hit the eject button as soon as I know what's up, or I can examine the movie the way I examine old barns and attics, looking for something nice in all the clutter. There were indeed a few pretty trinkets in this movie. Some of the exterior shots of the English countryside are wonderful; I snatched them out of the picture and saved them as graphic files. One of these days I'll run them through Photoshop and turn them into very decent landscape art for my den. If you don't like landscapes, though, give this picture a miss; if it's moving in this film, it's ridiculous.
This film is awesome! How can you not like a film that contains the following: ***WARNING -- SPOILERS*** (although I defy anyone to spoil THIS film) 1) A lecherous farmer, who has the first lines in the film following what is essentially a twenty minute introduction filmed in an "artistic" manner . -- "Do you like horses lad?" 2) A house full of Cumbriam vamps (that happily walk around in the daytime, dressing each other. Yes thats right. Dressing) -- headed by none other than the prince of darkness, Dracula himself, who for the purposes of this film, is also known as "James". He is an ageing sleaze, and locks his current bride in the basement with the hope of biting some of the other random vamps floating around. Apparently Dracula is not what he used to be -- he jumps at small noises, nearly biting off his tongue when surprised by the other members of the household, including a psychic, who spends 95% of her screen time in the bath. He also says sh!t when turned down for a biting.3) A french, fruit-eating alien. Who kills Dracula with a handgun.4) Vamps stripping because they are "too visible" 5) A fire juggler who is assassinated by the "Men In Black" 6) A bagpiper who meets the same fate.7) You would have thought that a director that can get away with using the same piece of film...exactly the same piece of film..12+ times during the invasion scene couldn't get anymore awesome..You would be wrong. Sorenson puts his masterful directing skills to work -- and reverses the shot! GENIUS!! And Finally : hearing the sound man sneeze (its either that or random sound effects, the inclusion of which is beyond me) Anyway..watch it, its great for a laugh ;)
For me Alien Blood represents a true indi film experience! It's the type of film where no two can agree as to what its about.Jon Sorenson has crafted a haunting maze of images that are at times so breathtaking that its worth seeing Alien Blood for that alone. Indeed I felt I was on a very cool acid trip as I watched the story unfold and develop. It's a film that boldly goes where the `X-Files' should have gone but never had the guts! Ya gotta love it.Add to that a pure visual approach to the story telling and you enter the land of CINEMA - a story told with images, mood, events, without relying on insipid explanatory `spoon fed' dialog. Bravo!Mr. Sorenson's expertise in SFX is well played as he create some the best indi EFX I have ever seen. The Efx are worth the wait and bring the film to its dramatic crescendo much like the arrival of the mothership in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.Finally there is the very hand use of erotica which is so subtle and sensual that to say more would burst the glowing bubble of it in my mind.All said - the truth is way out there baby!
Alien Blood is a movie unlike any other: a product of the vision and determination of a most individual film maker. Sorenson has created a movie that has all the ingredients to make it a cult PLUS the indefinable quality of a unique imagination which marks his film out from the rest. With more imaginative and determination by the distributors it would be a cult already. Seek it out for yourself. Then pass on the word...