Horst in Translation ([email protected])
"Agent Ranjid rettet die Welt" is a German movie from 2012, so this one has its 5th anniversary this year. It is one of the more known works by director Michael Karen. The writing cast includes of no less than 4 people including Dieter Tappert, who is more known as Paul Panzer here, and Kaya Yanar, the German/Turkish comedian who is the star of this entire project. By the rating you can already see that this film was not entirely well-received, but while I did not think it was a good film, I still believe that it may not be a catastrophe either. It is basically what you'd expect: a film, in which Kaya Yanar plays his most known characters from his television shows and stage performances. There is nothing positive here that surprises you really, but there are also no negative surprises for the most part. I thought this was what you could expect just like with other German comedian who all have at least one trademark film like Atze Schröder or Mario Barth or a handful more.The problem for me was partially that I did not find the Ranjid character too interesting ever. It is really just an uninspired stereotype for 90% of what he does and also he just doesn't go well with comedy I believe. The body guard guy is slightly more entertaining, so luckily he gets a fair share of screen time too, which elevates the material at times. But he was also looking to much unrealistically like a hero, which totally goes against the James Bond spoof, even if that one mostly refers to Ranjid of course. There are cameos by several other people from the German entertainment industry like Keller, Kalkofe, Gerhardt, Kebekus, Herforth... Anyway, I thought it was nice for once to see Gode Benedix playing a major character as he is an actor I like and you rarely get to see too much from him. Of course he did not save the material either here. Speking about the material, it is certainly disappointing that this level of quality is all they could come up with from no less than four writers. A good aspect though is that the film is really really short, runs for 82 minutes only and this includes a great deal of closing credits too. As a whole, I'd really only recommend it to people that really love Kaya Yanar as he is the center of the film from start to finish. I myself think he is a better comedian and host than actor and this film gets a thumbs-down from me, but like I said it is not as disastrous as some people say it is. Oh yeah, final note here: Rutger Hauer plays the main antagonist which I found kinda surprising as he is actually still somewhat of a big name, even today. But he is as weak as the material surrounding him and when he had to rush in trademark lines from Yanar character ("Was guckst du?), it was a bit on the embarrassing side for sure. Yeah like I said, watch something else instead and don't get your expectations up for a film where the biggest female character is named Viagra van den Hupen.