
2015 "Revenge has its own set of rules"
4.4| 1h31m| R| en| More Info
Released: 15 May 2015 Released
Producted By: Steamroller Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When a contract killer (Steven Seagal) encounters a girl on the run from a dangerous mob boss (Vinnie Jones) with powerful political ties, running a human trafficking operation, he is torn between protecting the girl, and remaining loyal to the government agency that hired him.

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lovettstough Personally I like all Steven Seagal movies and this is one of his better ones in recent years. There are only a couple a few of his movies I haven't seen since I have only Netflix & Hulu at home and no expensive cable bill. I was in the military and met him once up in Alaska while we were to do some military training. I hope and wish he would come out with something big in the theaters like he did in the late eighties & early nineties. This one had a great plot and story line since human trafficking is a real problem in the world today. I wish I was recruited to hunt down human traffickers but I wouldn't want to just catch them and bring them to trial.....once we have solid proof and catch them red handed I would shoot them on site without any hesitation whatsoever. I'm not a republican/conservative/right and never will be but especially major crimes if they're caught red handed there should be no trial because the trial and all that is just a waste of money so just punish them right then and there.
Man99204 No one has ever accused Steven Segal of being an accomplished actor. Even by the modest modest expectations, this is one of Sega's worst movies in decades.Someone should take Segal aside and explain to him, slowly if needs be,that it is no longer 1988. That he is now a 64 year old man who is now a generation too old and a hundred pounds too heavy to play roles like this.There is nothing about "Aging Gracefully" in this movie. Segal embodies every bad cliché' about vain older men from the shoe polish black black black hair to the absurdly ORANGE face make up. He tries to look "butch" and " macho" in a series of black leather outfits. He ends up looking more like an overstuffed sofa.The only reason to see this movie is to check out what has to be some of the WORST make up done in any movie in the last generation. Segal's face glows a bright carrot orange while his neck is a pale white.. The demarcation line is shockingly evident.The movie was filmed in Romania with a mixed bag of local talent. Byron Mann plays the "Asian Sidekick" who does all the heavy lifting when it comes to doing actual stunts. He also manages to steal every scene he is in with Segal.Do yourself a favor... pass on this big stinking pile. IF you must watch this kind of movie, then go back and watch something Segal did twenty-five years ago.
davideo-2 STASR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning Contract killer John Alexander (Steven Seagal) is approached by CIA boss Van Horn (Howard Dell) to eliminate an Afghan who is supposedly selling state secrets to the enemy. However, it is, of course, not as simple as this, and, when Nadia (Adina Stetcu), a young woman who has escaped from the clutches of The Boss (Vinnie Jones) comes crashing in to his lap, it leads John and his cohort Chi (Byron Mann) on a perilous mission of mayhem.For a guy with a reputation for being tough to work with, Seagal certainly seems to keep attracting back the same directors, one of whom would be Keoni Waxman, with whom he's made this, one of his more brutal, unflinching efforts. As well as Waxman, he's reunited with some stars who he's made other films with before, including Jones, returning as the villain, and Mann, upstaging the now rather overweight Mr. Seagal with his high spinning, high kicking prowess. Allegedly, in his heyday, Seagal had a load of William Forsythe's scenes cut from Out for Justice for this same reason, but now, when his star's not what it once was, he can no longer demand anything, just accept how things are.It may be hard core, and full on with the action and violence, but sadly the plot is inconsistent and unengaging, the same of which can be said for Jones in the villain role, whose role in the proceedings at times seems to be in serious question. If you're in an undemanding mood, and can overlook the problems, it might be okay. Seagal has made worse films, but he's certainly made much better. **
FlashCallahan When a contract killer encounters a girl on the run from a psychotic, cockney, ex-footballer cum actor mob boss, with powerful political ties, he is torn between protecting the girl, and remaining loyal to the government agency that hired him for the mission......Seagals movie career of late seems to be like the mountain setting on your generic treadmill. Up, down, up, down, and so on.After his last movie, A Good Man, it seemed that Seagal started to give a damn about his audience again, but just like any old friend you haven't seen in years, he goes and let's you down again.And I'm talking letting you down in the way he did back in 2006 with the slew of movies he made for Sony. This is on the same level as Attack Force, Flight Of Fury, and Against The Dark. But instead of being shocked into just how awful those movies were, you just roll your eyes and think to yourself 'oh well, he'll have another movie out next year'.But then on hindsight, after seeing the state the man is in, that may not be the case. He's become a caricature of himself. Spray on hair, spray on beard, long coats to hide his girth, and tinted sunglasses to hide his years/embarrassment.It's a generic plot that's passed from straight to DVD action movies like a ticking time bomb. Man on a mission completes mission, bumps into damsel in distress, and finds out he's been set up by person who set up original mission. With a special guest star as the chief bad guy.Seagal is clearly past his prime. Here it seems that the film is sold by his name, because he still has a solid fan base, but he's upstaged by Van Damme defector Byron Mann (Ryu, from the classic Streetfighter) who is very light on his feet.So if like me, you still yearn for that last classic from Seagal, keep waiting, you won't find it here.But it's the best film ever to see Seagal and realise that he's slowly becoming Jabba The Hut.Rubbish.