Absolute Deception

2013 "She thought she had the perfect life"
4.3| 1h32m| R| en| More Info
Released: 11 June 2013 Released
Producted By: Voltage Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A widowed reporter recruits the help of a federal agent to investigate her late husband's secrets, but the two become the target of unknown attackers. When FBI Agent John Nelson’s key informant, Miles, is abducted and shot, all that’s left is a severed finger. In order to find a new lead, Nelson travels to New York City to inform widowed magazine reporter Rebecca Scott that her long dead husband, Miles, had only recently been murdered to see if she had heard from him in recent years. Perplexed, Scott joins Agent Nelson in the wealthy enclave of Australia’s Gold Coast to find out what really happened. The two soon discover Miles may have been part of an elaborate “Ponzi scheme” to bilk investors, and a vengeful billionaire, out of millions of dollars. As more layers of Miles’ secret life are exposed, can the two stay ahead of the mysterious attackers who will stop at nothing to halt their investigation?

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casablancavic Though I an not a police detective, nor reporter or journalist, I do have enough knowledge to know that police investigations do not operate nearly this bad.Though I am not a crime scene investigator, I also know that there would be enough police to be stationed outside a crime scene where a multiple murder has taken place for days or even weeks upon end and nobody with a 2 block radius would just walk nearby without being questioned - especially in a wealthy neighborhood,just as the dead wife's house.Let alone have people wander around on the very evening of the murder investigation without having police stationed outside or inside the house.This story could have been very good had some thought been put into it, but I can only assume that the budget did not have enough to cover another 40 rewrites and proper effective detective research and operation techniques as well as computer hacking methods.The entire script is crap from opening scene to closing scene.This was not even amateur writing, this was so poor in construction that amateurs should feel proud.It was an easy payday for Cuba and a nice vacation, because there is no other reason to want to sign onto something this bad when you are as established like him.Crap script and a shame that somebody would sign off on this as something that was good enough to be released for TV or DVD viewing.Baad, bad, bad.
leonblackwood Review: This is a terrible "made for TV" type movie with bad acting and a boring storyline. I lost interest earlier on in the movie because it was obvious what was going on. The director tried to add some wit to this thriller, which really didn't work, and the lady who played the leading role wasn't really that convincing as an investigator. I wasn't expecting that much from the film, so I wasn't overly disappointed, but the director could have at least tried to make a watchable film. The whole thing seemed cheap without that much thought so I would leave this one off of your rental list. Terrible!Round-Up: This must have been a simple pay day for Cuba Gooding Jr. I can't see him reading the script, thinking that it was that amazing, and you can tell by his acting that he didn't put his all into it so I will just out this down to another bad choice. The lady who plays the lead (Emmanuele Vaugier), who has starred in movies like Saw II and 40 Days & 40 Nights, wasn't that amazing in this film. She just became annoying after a while which made the movie more difficult to watch. I recommend this movie to people who like there cheap thrillers about a woman trying to find out what happened to her dead husband. 1/10
M MALIK the title of this film is deception or absolute deception i say its absolute disaster this is only for fans of Miss Vaugier it came out in 2013.the plot:John Nelson an FBI agent tells Rebbecca Scott that her husband just died & he used fake alias & was doing some illegal things in Australia together when they investigate the mystery they find themselves in a tricky situation.the cast:Cooba Gooding Jr this man even surpasses Steven Seagal the amount of discs he has released in last 10 years shows is career,as for Emmanuelle Vaugier this lady is a decent actress but people have complained about her eyebrows & thin body shes a nice eye candy though,the rest cast is wasted except Chris Betts who played Ronald Osterberg he looked like a villain straight out of a James bond film.this is a TV move not theatrical but it fails to hit the target as a lot of forced & bad acting is involved the story is more made up for stand up comedy then serious suspense genre.overall if you are a fan of Emmanuelle Vaugier then do watch this otherwise Skipp it my rating is 3/10.
Larry Silverstein In this film, set mostly in Gold Coast, Australia, the plot contrivances became way too much for my tastes. The scenery in this resort area of Australia is eye-catching and the filmmakers made sure there were a number of voluptuous looking women on screen, but the script seemed cobbled together from elements that we've all seen before.Cuba Gooding Jr., who has been doing a number of these Grade B films recently, stars as FBI Agent John Nelson who is trying to bring down a billionaire Australian Ponzi schemer named Ronald Osterberg (Chris Betts). However, his chief informant Dennis Archer is killed just before he's to meet with Agent Nelson.Emmanuelle Vaugier co-stars as Rebecca Scott, an intrepid investigative reporter for Spyglass magazine, in New York City. She thought her husband Miles Scott ((Ty Hungerford) was killed in an auto accident two years before. However, Agent Nelson has flown to NYC to inform her her husband not only faked his death but fled to Australia. In that country he went under the name Dennis Archer, re-married and began working for Osterberg. Agent Nelson, of course, also told Rebecca that he saw her husband get shot and killed.Rebecca is shocked by this news, but being an investigative reporter, she travels to Australia, against the advice of Agent Nelson, to try and uncover the whole story. There's a lot of conflicts that will occur between Rebecca, Agent Nelson, and the Australian federal Police Inspector Hendricks (Evert McQueen). There's also more murder and mayhem to follow.I thought the repartee between Rebecca and Agent Nelson only partially worked, as perhaps a good part of it was even ad-libbed. Additionally, the hinting of a possible relationship between the two seemed far fetched to me.The supposed "big surprise" at the end I didn't think was that much of a surprise and could have been reasonably figured out early on in the movie. All in all, the plot coincidences and contrivances were too much.4 stars out of 10