Abra Cadabra

6.3| 1h24m| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 1983 Released
Producted By: Adam Packer Film Productions
Country: Australia
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Dr Cadabra, an eccentric magician, lives in outer space with his son Abra and their pets - Stella the star cat and Zodiac the space dog. When all four are busy elsewhere, two villains, B.L. Z'Bub and Klaw the Rat King, take off with the Cosmic pipe.

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Adam Packer Film Productions


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Tom P. This gem of a film aired on Nickelodeon's "Special Delivery" several times in the mid-1980's. I almost passed on seeing it because of the strange animation style (no inking!). It came on before I changed the channel, and when I heard the third verse of the opening song ("on the third day of Matter He structured DNA! Deoxyribonucleic Acid, and He said, "What a very nice day!"), I just *had* to watch it. The musical rewrites are wonderful (I still don't know all the original tunes) and the plot line is wonderfully silly. I believe that this is one of the most wonderfully bizarre movies I have ever seen!The story is basically "The Pied Piper of Hamlin", but there's some science fiction thrown in for good measure.