26 ideas. 26 directors. 26 short films. Each short film features death in some way and the film is mostly, though not exclusively horror. Being an anthology, this is incredibly hit and miss. The acting isn't great, a lot of it is just trying to be as disgusting as possible with no real purpose and it takes a little while to get into. However, when it's good, it's a firecracker. Here are the segments rated out of 5. A is for Amateur: 4/5 not particularly horror-like, but in terms of comedy and pay-off this is one of the highlights.B is for Badger: 3/5 you can see what's coming a mile off, but it's still quite amusing. C is for Capital Punishment: 4/5 even if it tries to accomplish too much in not enough time, it's still a sobering watch. D is for Deloused: 4.5/5 the story makes no sense, but who cares? This is seriously, seriously disturbing and scary, and a minor masterpiece of creepiness. E is for Equlibrium: 1/5 just stupid. F is for Falling: 1.5/5 this goes for deep but winds up just being boring. G is for Grandad: 1.5/5 this one is creepy, but not in the right way at all. Not only will you cringe so much your mouth will hurt, but the acting is at its possible worst in the entire short here. H is for Head Games: 2.5/5 once you get it, it's decent. I is for Invincible: 1.5/5 a lame, annoying comedy fail with a highly unsatisfying conclusion. J is for Jesus: 3.5/5 an interesting one with a good plot, although it is too over-the-top for its own good. K is for Knell: 4/5 a well-done science-fiction short where the story seemingly ends as the film begins, which is always the sign of a good short film. L is for Legacy: 0.5/5 oh dear. This one couldn't be any less scary and the CGI is laughable. M is for Masticate: 3/5 this one gets a bit repetitive, but it is well-structured and amusing with a good pay-off. N is for Nexus: 2/5 good cinematography and idea, bad and incoherent execution. O is for Ochlocracy: 2/5 another good idea badly executed. P is for P-P-P-P SCARY!: 0/5 I've seen better filmmaking from 7 year-olds. Q is for Questionnaire: 3.5/5 a silly but interesting short with some clever editing. R is for Roulette: 4.5/5 until the annoying ending, this is unbearably tense, short film gold. S is for Split: 5/5 a masterfully executed suspense piece with some of the best split-screen use ever. T is for Torture Porn: 3/5 rather silly, but still an interesting and worthwhile short. U is for Utopia: 4/5 powerful and well directed if confusing. V is for Vacation: 4/5 this one gets a little crazy in the best way. W is for Wish: 3/5 an excellent idea and plot, although it translates somewhat awkwardly to screen. X is for Xylophone: 4/5 a real gut punch. Y is for Youth: 5/5 an incredibly moving and beautifully made short film with a feature film's worth of material. Z is for Zygote: 4.5/5 crazy, twisted, disturbing and rather masterful body horror. An uneven film with a weak first half, but it gets better and better and when it's at its best, it really hits the mark. Overall, a flawed but worthwhile project. S and Y are the best, while L and P are the worst. 6/10
As the title of this review says, I was not expecting much from this anthology, but I actually found the majority of the shorts to at least be vaguely interesting. A lot of the shorts were more comedic than I was expecting, but I tend to enjoy horror-comedy more than straight horror so it was perfect for me and everyone who also enjoys some goofy moments in the films they watch. Of course, a handful of shorts were downright terrible, but since each piece is so short, it's fairly easy to overlook the negatives. I thought I would talk more in depth about my favorite and least favorite shorts. ***Here's where potential spoilers start***FAVS: A is for Amateur - now this short is not scary at all, but it was really well executed and had the perfect touch of humor. This was a really great way to start the film. D is for Deloused - this section was absolutely horrifying. It was done with Stop motion puppets, which made it all the more creepy. It really appeals to very human and basic fears, like bugs and becoming disfigured. This was the scariest of the shorts. J is for Jesus - I found this to be one of the more intelligent shorts that was the story of the comeuppance of two homophobic men torturing a gay man in the name of Jesus. The torture is freaky, but I really liked the message in this short. K is for Knell - I don't fully understand this short, especially the ending, but it was the most effective at creating a real sense of dread and suspense. O is for Ochlocracy - like the Jesus short, this bit was also quite intelligent, and I found the plot to be really clever. It was similar to C for Capital Punishment because of the whole mob mentality piece, but the zombie spin was, in my eyes, really brilliant. S is for Split - my favorite part of this short was the split screen. Overall, it wasn't particularly spectacular but the split really added an interesting aspect to the break-in story. W is for Wish - maybe it's just my nostalgia kicking in, but this short was super adorable and I loved seeing a "fantasy" world turning out to be hell. Y is for Youth - this short was the saddest of them all, featuring a girl fantasizing about killing her abusive parents as it is revealed that she self harms. I thought this short had a very human aspect to it that I really appreciated. LEAST FAVSG is for Granddad - I just found this short overly strange without any real explanation for the behavior of the characters. L is for Legacy - oh vey, this short made absolutely no sense and featured some brutally awful CG effects. T is for Torture Porn - simply put, this was unimaginative and predictable. U is for Utopia - again, this was not particularly imaginative or interesting. I'm sick of seeing films about not perfect people in a utopian society. V is for Vacation - featuring unlikable and unrealistic characters, this just felt like a crappy found footage flick.
This movie explores the concept of death and does so in an amusing and thought provoking manner. The premise is 26 directors make one short for one letter of the alphabet with death as the theme pulling them all together. Some of the acting here is very good with good performances in f for falling especially. Most of them do a very good job if keeping a tense environment but the best has to be k. Unfortunately they are a couple that fail to deliver like l and p. This film also has a dark sense of humor so if you are not into that short of thing I wouldn't recommend but if you are a true horror fan who appreciates the genre if horror especially if you like takes from the crypt them you'll love this movie
The idea is so great, let us gather some famous directors and let them do a short so we can compile it on a DVD. But sometimes you better watch out what you are doing, because i was looking forward to the second entry liking part 1 but after seen it I was left with a bitter feeling.For me the A en Z entry was by far the best. There are a few other ones that did deliver the gore and scare but most of the entries I asked myself, how did they ever got on this DVD. There's no gore or horror to catch. I have seen it before with the V/H/S franchise. Starting off above mediocre, part 2 being the best and part 3 sucks real hard. If you think you are going to sit and watch 2 hours of gore and horror then you are wrong. I don't mind the stop-motion shorts and done with clay, they are good but there's so much crap here that I hope part 3, which is announced already will pick up again the real horror. Maybe the Asian entries are above mediocre and do contain gore and full frontal, and A do deliver nudity and black humour, if all entries would have been done that way (or like Z) this would have been a gem but for know it's below mediocre.Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5