A Strange Brand of Happy

5.2| 1h35m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 13 September 2013 Released
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An aimless bachelor loses his job and finds himself chasing the same girl (his new life coach) that his manipulative ex-boss is after as well. The boys are spurred on by a rag tag group of retirees in need of some action.

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eddieranch It's interesting that the people who wrote the preview description of this movie on Netflx chose to leave the spiritual subtext of it out of their copy. In fact, had I known about the subtext going in, I may have clicked past it. But I enjoyed this film and it definitely doesn't hit you over the head with a faith message. The characters and acting are engaging, though not amazing. I agree with another review that the Joyce character/actor is a bit wooden and removed to really make me want to care about her. But the two male lead characters are well played and there is an interesting group of elderly sub-players including a great performance by Shirley Jones aka Mom Partridge. Part rom-com, part quirky, offbeat indy film, and part "hmm" thought provoker on faith and spirituality, this is a more than worthy way to spend an hour and forty minutes.
sekalyma I thought the movie was OK..nothing spectacular. Joe Boyd is locally known in Cincinnati for doing superb improv but 'Happy' isn't where his talents shine. The Joyce Heller character played by Rebecca St. James is dry and unfeeling even though her character is supposed to be one that is delivering kindness with a teaching vibe. She just doesn't show much warmth, in my opinion. Joe Boyd is a great teaching pastor and a great speaker but the scripted word just isn't his strong suit. The parts of the movie that were supposed to be funny that were performed by Boyd are his best parts. His seriousness in the movie just feels strained. The story line is good and the message is there, the execution just doesn't do it for me.
cindynavarro713 (I don't think there are any spoilers, but not positive.) After losing his job, David (Joe Boyd) is pushed by his roommate (Benjamin Keller)to hire a life coach (Joyce) to motivate him. When Joyce (Rebecca St.James) invites David to join the volunteer group that she takes to a retirement home, David discovers his manipulative ex-boss, William(Hunter Shepard), is part of the group. The retirees, noticing that both new volunteers are interested in Joyce, decide to add to the drama by deliberately pushing the rivalry to a higher level. The competition goes extreme and ultimately leads David on a journey that may mean he loses all he hoped to find. Written and directed by Brad Wise, A Strange Brand Of Happy is a Rebel Pilgrim Production.My Review: A Strange Brand Of Happy is not what many think of when they think "Christian film", but is more of a faith-friendly type film. I think of it as a quirky, romantic comedy. It's not a film for children, although they will not see or hear anything inappropriate. It is probably more along the lines of a PG film. It made me laugh as I watched and I got a bit teary-eyed during one scene (unusual for me). It is a fun film for "date night" or to see with a group of friends. I don't want to give away too much, so I will just summarize a bit below.David lost his job, albeit one he hated, but doesn't know what direction he should take to find meaning in his life. Can he find fulfillment in a new career or is there more to being happy? His friend, Ben, believes a "life coach" is the answer and sets his friend up with one who is also very attractive. David is unemployed, unfocused, a bit immature, and never really thinks about God. Joyce finds joy in her life and believes God finds joy in her when she uses the talents He has given her. Will their professional relationship stand in the way of a personal one? Joyce believes one of the best ways to help yourself is by serving others, and convinces David to volunteer at a retirement home. The residents (Shirley Jones, Marty Ingels, Venida Evans, Bobby Rodgers) quickly involve themselves in the lives of these volunteers and their manipulations are hilarious. Yet, they also provide the help and guidance David needs to get his life heading toward a happy future after decisions made nearly cause him to lose everything.I called this a romantic comedy, but it is more than just boy meets girl, they flirt, they fight, and love conquers all. This is also about finding the gifts God has given you and using them. You will find God when you seek Him, but sometimes you just have to know where to look.How does a flyer, a landlady (Bekka Prewitt) with a crush, a poet (Anis Mojgani), and a knight in paint-splattered armor fit in this story? You will have to see the film to get those answers!! *I was shown an advanced screening of this film in order to write a review. I was not required to write a positive review, but only for my honest opinion.