A Small Town in Texas

1976 "All Poke wanted was to get his girl and get out. All the Sheriff wanted... was to get Poke."
A Small Town in Texas
5.6| 1h36m| R| en| More Info
Released: 09 July 1976 Released
Producted By: American International Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A crooked sheriff in a small Southern town frames an ex-convict in a drug bust and takes his girlfriend.

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American International Pictures

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videorama-759-859391 These cool seventies movies, courtesy of Mr Arkoff, set a cool trend in the movie world for me. If you expect a lot of gore in this, you'll be plenty disappointed. What we have is a fatal love triangle. I like any Bottoms actor, they're all good. Timothy my favourite, makes a meal of the role, throwing in a naturalistic and lovable performance, as an ex con, Poke Jackson, framed, who's just got out of prison, now about to rub the same guy up the wrong way, small town local sheriff, the corrupt Duke (Hopkins in another nasty piece of work). Duke has been makin' it with Bottom's old lady, Mary Lee (the versatile Susan George) who you kind of get the feeling, she's wasted in this. Duke is about to give Poke a second serving of misjustice by setting him up again for a murder of important figure at a country fair, and this time properly doing the job. So the other half has Bottoms fleeing the cops, which culminates in a couple of cool car and bike chases, and god, can Bottoms ride. Bottoms is funny too: Helium voice scene, and we take guilty delight seeing both nemesis go at each other, where in the end, only one can walk away. Great action, and revenge that never gets old, plus sincere performances, make this a gem of a seventies movie, though it's not great, but definitely a golden 70's find.
toypsycho A Small Town In Texas is a film that I put high on the list of genre action films that were a staple at drive-in's during the '1970's and '80's. The car action is great with real stunts. A great cast of film supporting actors and the always cool directing of the late Jack Starrett. Bo Hopkins is great as the sheriff, Morgan Woodward as the corrupt rich local, John Karlen and Clay Tanner as deputies, Susan George as the girlfriend is '70's hot!,Art Hindle is always good and Buck Flower steals the show as a cussin', spittin', tough-as-nails hick who helps Timothy Bottoms against the crooked law man. I hope a DVD release will be in the near future.
DJAkin This movie was a cross between BILLY JACK, DUKES OF HAZZARD and that's it. It was a fun movie. Tim Bottoms is always a good person to watch act. The ending was sudden and typical of that decade of movies.If it's on, see it.
whpratt1 Susan George gave an excellent performance in this film, over powering Timothy Bottoms, and Bo Hopkins. Susan George with her excellent British acting background gave class to this SMALL TOWN IN TEXAS. Lots of small town police corruption with daring bike and car racing and a close miss of a train. This film is going to be another classic film collection. It is worth viewing and the Texas locations and photography are fantastic.