A Question of Faith

6| 1h44m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 29 September 2017 Released
Producted By: Silver Lining Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://aquestionoffaith.com/

When Tragedy Strikes three Families, their Destiny forces them on a coverging path and mercy as the challenges of their fate could also resurrect their beliefs

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Rody Pollock (oigentertainment66) Ok, I walked in on a Sunday late afternoon while my family was watching this show, I thought to myself, oh goodness one of those films where they want you to evaluate your life and be bored watching, well, what a awesome surprise., as my wife explained what happened that led to the amazing end I had to dry the tears away. This is such a powerful message, not trying to win souls, but trying to get a message across about forgiveness. The actors were awesome, and I was really excited to see the forever young Kim Fields, Good Job to the writer and director in bringing the feeling of the message to life.
Greylogan I watch this movie without bias, unlike the anti Christian's reviewing this film on here. For me, it is a solid 7, being that it has a message that everyone needs to hear, "Don't text and drive" but it also adds the message about being an organ donor and how a person can save the life of another. I don't go into this movie with the hateful opinions of the people who aren't believers so they don't believe in the power of God, the power of prayer and the power of forgiveness.You see it all over IMDB. People adding hateful tags to Christian movies, such as "indoctrination", "propaganda", "religious fanatics" and the list goes on. There is no propaganda here, nor is there indoctrination or religious fanaticism. There is love, however. And forgiveness. And even anger at God at one point. These are called human emotions and this movie is full of them. Yet Christians are hated because of what we believe to be true. It doesn't matter if you personally don't believe it, it is true for us and we see the evidence all around us.And that's what this movie portrays. We see this evidence all around us. Nothing happens by chance, as science would like to "indoctrinate" into us with their "propaganda" if I can use the same juvenile approach that anti Christian reviewers on here are using regarding all Christian based films on this web page. This movie deals with real issues and human ones at that.Now, the reason I didn't give this movie a well rounded 10 stars is because this movie has been done over and over again, telling the same message but with different characters and a slightly different story. Even the intersection of lives that are all connected, it's been told before. However, I did give the film a higher rating than I normally would have due to the fact that they boldly told this story amidst all the hate and spite that would most definitely be thrown at it, which is evident by several of the reviews on here by confessed nonbelievers. They went into this movie with extreme bias to begin with, so of course their review would reflect that same bias.I, on the other hand, went into this as a believer, but also as an honest reviewer. Yes, the story has been told before. Yes, the acting was sub-par. Yes, the character development was a bit shallow at times. Yes, as a believer I found it a bit odd that the main character drove an expensive Mercedes Benz in the movie, (on an ASSOCIATE PASTOR'S salary??) but that was a bias I have of my own, in which Christians are already portrayed as greedy, money siphoning people, preying on the elderly and poor to squeeze that little bit out of their own congregation. I don't feel that giving the associate pastor a Mercedes Benz in the movie was portraying the right message here. This is really nitpicking for me, and I know there are those Christians who believe God wants us to be rich, even though the Bible doesn't say that at all, so I won't dwell on it. It's a movie and Mercedes probably got their product placement in this movie without having to pay a dime or maybe they did contribute to the movie. Who knows.That being said, go into the movie for the message it portrays. No the "bad acting" by many of the actors. Don't go into the movie just to write a bad review because you yourself don't believe in God. That's not the topic here. The movie and the message it portrays is. Don't feel the necessity to give a bad review on a movie just because it is faith based. Realize there are other people who don't share your beliefs and be respectful about another's beliefs. For me, I don't have enough faith to be an atheist, but I won't go out of my way to review an anti God movie based on my own bias of that fact. That's called being an adult and respecting others opinions about a matter.In closing, I would recommend people watch this film. If for the Christian the message of God's love and forgiveness and grace, and how we deal with our great nations laws and medical options that benefit all humanity, or for the nonbeliever, the the same reasons. Go into the movie without the hatred for God and what you don't believe. Go into the movie to be entertained and to hear a message that's obviously foreign to you: love. For that is what this movie expounds upon. The love we have for others and the forgiveness which stems from that love. If that's why you hate God then humanity has no chance of survival. The Christian message is 100% about love. And it pains me that so many people are against such a wonderful trait.
dsa-827-486965 Its watchable and in this film you can see - this guys really try cover they religion message under some more reasonable and modern messages about how bad when you texting in car, and about how good when you donate organs, but don't do bad - stop texting in car and go and donate your organs, even if in REAL world this person do not need and cant accept this organ... well do I say about not texting in a car! Don't do it! Someone can really hurt and you go to jail and someone need to donate organ... yeeees its REALLY SO repetitive. And lousy as hell, that part where they need exactly 11 year old boy, when common sense and all rule of biology tell them - for good plot you need teens same age! Not a 11 year old boy and just literally grow woman, and if you do this - just don't tall audience about - hypoxia, because its exactly what she get! Well, what can I say - Christian writers not good educated one. And don't texting in the car! Even if you don't texting anywhere past five years.
jas-73954 3 families interviewed by a car accident. Everyone is introduced rather quickly but the transition is easy to follow. This film is about anger, forgiveness and love. A film for all ages and the issues of cell phones in our lives today. Too bad these kind of movies come n go so quickly without giving everyone a chance to see them. Wish the advertising of films gave all films a fair shot but don't see that happening anytime soon.