Everyone tries awfully hard to breath some life into this bad script. In a nutshell, the main character is unsure of his future. All his friends are off to college while he hasn't a clue where to go. His only talents are reciting some bad poetry and many dalliances. There are no endearing characters. The lead character, Phoenix, is down-right unlikeable and I was only wishing that when he was getting his face pounded in one scene that it could have continued a little longer. After all the ordeal, does the character have any greater personal insight? Nope. Still directionless as he lies to his father in the closing scene. Interesting only in seeing some familiar actors in their early days. Plenty of over-acting by Phoenix through-out.
I only tuned into this film to see Ione Skye. Denise (Ione Skye) and Jimmy (River Phoenix) had an interesting thing going on. Outside of her, I am really not sure what was going on.Jimmy seemed to be trying to find his own way and not follow what others wanted him to do. Sort of a slacker, he was in constant turmoil with his father until they managed to find something in common to bind them together. :-) He totally screwed things up with his girlfriend, but one suspects that he might have decided to try again as the movie ends. Who Knows? I really was hoping for a film that would give me an idea of what River was like as an actor. This wasn't it. It really didn't have much going for it except Ione.
This is a film about a boy named Jimmy Reardon. He's at a turning point in his life, and he has no clue as to what path to take. Sound interesting? Not really.This movie plays off a depth that is non-existent. It's hard to take the main character seriously, when I have no understanding of his view point. Jimmy is shallow and unlikable, and exactly the kind of character you don't want to portray.I read somewhere that RP's mother strongly hinted that he take this role because he hadn't done a film for over two years. I understand that. And I know that River rose above this kind of film and was almost making works of art, before his sudden and tragic death.All I can say about this movie is that it's trying to be intellectual, but don't by into it. Only small-minded individuals could find the sexual promiscuity of Jimmy the equivalent of 'art'.2, just for being a RP film.
MC horse
this is the ONLY movie that I have ever walked out in the middle of. not offensive, or even stupid, just pointless. the main problem is that the supposed protagonist is one of the most self-absorbed, unlikeable characters ever written, and he finds no redemption, or even change. he starts out an a-hole, and ends up and a-hole. at least they could have made him an interesting a-hole, but he was boring, too.