"Xiao Qian" seems to be one-of-a-kind Asian anime films of the late 20th Century, a sucessful mixure of CGI and Hand Drawn animation.The plot follows a young boy named Ng (pronounced Neeng) and his dog, Solid Gold, trying to recover from breaking up with Ng's ex-girlfriend, Ran. As the two converse, two ghost hunters appear at his village, wiping out living skeletons and flatuent, smelly spirits. Then, Ng is sent on a special derilvery course through China, stumbling into a city of ghosts and the living dead. Here, he falls in love with the title character (Xiao-Qian, meaning Sunshine in cantonese) and try to escape the ghosts hunters, Xiao-Qian's selfish boyfriend and cruel mistress whom eats the souls of male humans to become young again, as well as the repenting of the mistress' left hand girl, Zhiaodee (Butterfly Cantonese). I also love how the film pokes fun at Disney movies and satirizes mass-media sell outs.Xiao-Qian gets five kisses. Pure classic and fun!
This animation starts extremely lame. That is, compared to the rest of story. At first I thought I got some kind of cheesy ghost-busting anime with weird-looking synthesis of computer graphics and regular animation. But if you can accept (or endure) occasional splashes of barrel and spell fighting you'll find in this movie an engrossing love drama with interesting plot turns and a bunch of original art. Although the mage characters seem to be low grade in comparison to two main ones the battle system mechanics is pretty interesting too and quite detailed. So after all 'low-gradeness' of mages could be a trick to make main characters stand out.This version of the story is WAY better than any real movie interpretations. Very recommended.
Chibi Riza
I finally got "A Chinese Ghost Story" on DVD and is well-worth it too!It has everything I can hope for in animation:a strange,un-predictable storyline,bizarre characters,off-the-wall (and sometimes sick) humour,rock-opera-like music score(it is NOT Disney-like!)and interesting and successful combination of CG and Traditional Animation(which is a nice first in Anime).If you want an Anime worth your time,please,get this classic now.But personally,I'd prefer the DVD version,since you can get Cantonese and Mandarin dialogue on it(personally,I prefer Cantonese) and you don't have to get stuck with the horrid English version(sorry,but the English "vocal-talents" need to take some singing lessons!).
Even allowing for problems in translation, Chinese Ghost Story is thoroughly odd. It may well take you more than one viewing to figure out everything that is going on. I wouldn't even posit on where they got the theology behind it.However, it is still a highly entertaining film. It is a love story that appealed even though I despise love stories and a comic adventure such as I've rarely seen. If you don't mind things not entirely making sense, you should love this film.Chinese Ghost Story uses an interesting combination of computer and cell animation. The combination is not seamless as in more recent films, resulting in a very interesting look. Meanwhile, Chan experiments with the possibilities offered by the combination (look near the beginning when the camera cranes through solid ground).Best line in the movie 'Scissors of Heaven.'