I liked this movie, and knew I'd leave a review before I read the others in this set. However, after reading them I realized how many people are sci-fi snobs and somehow believe that SFX should be the yard stick that a show is judged by. I liked the plot and the execution. I thought that the characters came through and it had some good surprises along the way. I know this is low budget but I liked the way it makes the story look like some of my other science fiction favorites.So if you think that the story, and the science, of this genre should be backseat to special effects then you are a snob. Please seek treatment.
Mhizz Shan
this is the most boring and cheapest friend boring ,boring, boring ,as hell why would people give this a 10,9,8, or even a 5 this is the worst and plus this was made in 2014 which is a good year they could of at least tried to make this more real it looks fake as hell fake,fake,fake the people who liked this or give it hight ratings or ratings over 5 or stupid and foolish this movie was a waste of my time other people time and the producer time they need to stop making movies and try to watch there own and see how horrible , fake , and boring this foolish this movie really is waste of money , they mean they could not even get a little more money to get it to look real and interesting
Not sure who paid for the budget on this incoherent sludge of a "film". Likely the lead actress's rich husband or lover or whatever. Then when this thing parading as film tanked. all of her buddies had a sleep over at her LA pad and wrote all the fake reviews on here, Some quote the exact description verbatim. Not obvious? This "flick" really needs to be stricken from all records and burned. Internet and all physical copies. The scenes are non cohesive in any way shape or form. actors would be better off doing hemorrhoid cream commercials than what apparently passes for acting and the CGI, a 3rd grader could put together more convincing FX. Sad and pathetic all around, Btw baby bump not one iota real. Whole thing a massive waste of time and space. Trash it!
The story is catching, smart and doesn't spill any clues prematurely. A clever twist of the old time travel theme. I liked it. Acting is very good, the SFX are pretty good but could have been conceived better. The timeline visualization with the ID popping up and bleeping, seemed a little weak to me. Otherwise, the screenplay is very well done - the "rewinds" visualized very nicely. The audio is not as clean as a Hollywood production, but closer to reality. In a server room for example, we hear the hardware whizzing. Though the complex plot should give rise to plenty inconsistencies, I saw none. Surely, if I would search for those, I would find some. To me, this level of attention for detail is the mark of a genius. Very much worth to watch!I have noticed that this movie is called "95ers: Echoes" (2012) as well as "Time Runners" or "95ers: Time Runners" (2013). This is a bit confusing, but all refer to the same movie.