24: Redemption

24: Redemption
7.4| 1h42m| en| More Info
Released: 23 November 2008 Released
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Former federal agent Jack Bauer confronts African dictator Benjamin Juma, whose forces have been ordered to capture the children Bauer oversees for malicious military training.

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Arlis Fuson I watched 3 seasons of this show and just quit because although I liked it, after a while it got old. I only have 5 seasons on DVD so I just postponed watching it until the show is canceled and I can watch them all without having to wait for them to come on DVD.I watched this movie not sure if it was directly connected to the show, and although I think the main story here is only shown in the film, the side story is to do with the show and I was lost. I had no idea how Jack got where he was or who any of these characters were...so you do need to watch the show before you watch this movie.Jack is in Africa staying with an old friend who has a camp for kids. There are armies trying to recruit these kids and make them soldiers to fight against "the man". With no help from the U.S. Jack must try, along with his friend (Robert Carlyle)to get the kids to America safely.The TV show always happens so fast and in the blink of an eye it's over, but this movie was so slow in getting to the point and it was shot in a 2 hour period and on two different continents and I'm not sure why no one happened to notice that with it being two different time zones that it would not be daylight in both.The movie was basically an extended episode and had a director from the show filming it and many of the actors were from the show. Keifer Sutherland is always good and Jack has become the character he will forever be remembered as. Some other actors from the show that I didn't know until this movie were Jon Voight, Poweres Boothe and Colm Feore and was glad to see them on board. The movie also had Tony Todd and I always love seeing him in anything. Robert Carlyle did a great job here and it's nice to see him in the various roles and seeing how well he can pull off each job he takes on.I must say the movie might be a nice bridge for the seasons, but standing alone it's reminiscent of 80's b-movie action. I could not recommend it to anyone except a fan of this show. 2 out of 10 stars.
aledh-644-505424 This film carries the story on from the end of Season 6 of the hit TV show 24. Having not seen any of the TV series I had no idea what to expect, but to my joy I really enjoyed it and will be starting the long slog of watching 24 from the first episode.My favourite actor of all time Kiefer Sutherland does an amazing job as always portraying Jack Bauer. Appearances from Robert Carlyle and Jon Voight just add to the viewing pleasure. Plenty of action, a lot of gun shots and a few explosions just to add some adrenaline.A must watch for any action fan and any fan of Kiefer Sutherland.My rating 10/10
creiss Spoiler free review / opinion.First off, I am a huge fan of the 24 series. There were good seasons and not-as-brilliant ones *cough*season6*cough*. But at least every season got me caught up in the middle, and I always craved for just one more episode.This movie should prove me otherwise. The first half of the movie I was trying to get to know the "real" storyline. I was waiting for serious threats, terrorists, bombs, data espionage... well, something. Then it hit me, this movie is really just about moving a bunch of kids around. It was so blatantly mindless boring that even the action sequences did not get my mind of tomorrows grocery list.In the series there was always an imminent danger to something. A nuclear bomb, poison gas or some nasty viral stuff that put a large portion of the citizens in jeopardy. Granted, it can also be fun and extremely exiting if only one person is at risk, as it was on the first season. But you could feel with Balmer and you actually were worried for him.This movie is just about a bunch of kids, so it's not the "mass effect". And since the kids did not really bond with me, that is, I never had the feeling of "knowing them" I never really cared. I was hoping the other plots in the movie would cause some excitement, but it failed at that too.My recommendation: If you are interested as hell in Jack Bauer hauling a bunch of kids around AND if you are a hardcore fan, watch this! Everyone else: Watch the athletes foot of your best pal grow! Much more exciting. AND you care about the person, at least.
Matt Ryan 24:Redemption does exactly what it says on the tin! The last season of 24 wasn't too great but this 2 hour special definitely redeems itself! If you loved the first few seasons, you will love this! Without giving too much away, Jack is in hiding from the US government and as he learns that he is requested to report to the US embassy to face his punishment, he decides it's time to move on! But.....just as he is about to leave he gets caught up in a civil war! If you are expecting a beautifully directed and written masterpiece, then you will be disappointed but if you are looking for the non-stop, cheesy, far-fetched action that the first few seasons gave us, then you will LOVE this! Matt