24: Redemption

24: Redemption
7.4| 1h27m| en| More Info
Released: 23 November 2008 Released
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Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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24: Redemption is a 2008 American television film based on the series 24. Redemption takes place almost four years after the sixth season and two months before the seventh season in real time between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm (Sangala Time Zone) on Inauguration Day in the United States.

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Tweekums Set between seasons six and seven of the TV series this film sees former counter terrorist agent Jack Bauer in a fictional African country where he helps at a local school. He is still wanted by the US authorities but refuses to return home. His peaceful life is turned upside down again when local warlord General Benjamin Juma starts a coup and his underlings kidnap local children to force them to fight in his army. The country's president requests help from America but the timing could hardly be worse; it is only two hours till the new US president is sworn in and the incumbent has ordered the evacuation of the US embassy. One of the boys from the school is killed and another injured as Juma's men try to press-gang them in a nearby village. The injured boy is picked up by Jack's friend Carl Benton who warns Jack that the rebels are on the way to the school. Jack gets the children to safety but is captured and tortured; luckily when Benton gets back they overcome their attackers and head towards the capital hoping to get there before the last helicopter leaves.This TV movie has a solid story that contains plenty of excitement and many elements that fans of the series are sure to enjoy. Of course given that the story is set over a much shorter time period than a whole series it does feel a little rushed at times and many plot threads remain unresolved; presumably as a set up for series seven; this is especially true of what we see happening back in the US. The African setting does make a nice change and even though it is set in a fictional country the idea of rebels forcing children to fight is all too depressingly realistic. The action is well handled and the final evacuation where desperate locals pressed against the gates of the US embassy while US personnel and their dependants board Hueys to fly them to safety was clearly inspired by the evacuation of Saigon during Operation Frequent Wind in 1975. Overall this is a solid '24' story; it isn't essential that one watches the series first but some knowledge would be useful and the number of unresolved issues would make it frustrating to anybody watching this as a stand-alone film.
krycek19 24 Redemption is truly awful. Once more I am stunned that the users here, got so lousy taste. You actually think this is a great movie?? Oh my god!! Bad script, no budget = no action, bad acting all around. And the real time really limits the ability to tell a credible story. General Juma is not stopped, the political bad-guys in Washington are not stopped. Jacks surrender to the us-government is ridiculous and unbelievable. That he would give up so easily after being a fugitive for more than a year. Nothing is really explained. And nothing in the story seems related to season 7, witch makes this low-budget crap pointless and unnecessary. If you are a fan of the series, pretend like this TV-movie was never made.
Wouter Borgman I watched this yesterday on Dutch Television. I had not been following 24 for quite some time and to see a movie was a great surprise. As an avid fan I really looked forward to this. I made my tea and cookies and was ready to enjoy.Obviously Jack Bauer kicked ass again, no surprise here, what the problem was was the poor ending. Not to mention the film only lasted an hour. It was too damn short, the ending wasn't a real ending. It didn't feel good. I think that you can't really make a good movie out of a series if that series requires 24 hours to make an entire story. They had the same eye for detail but not the time to make it fit. The action scenes weren't really fitting, I felt more as if the director said to himself: "gee, we're lacking some action scenes.. hmmm let's do another one and I don't care why I just want action!"It really didn't feel 24ish. I understand that it may sound strange, requiring a perfect film for a man who is the year 2000's Chuck Norris and usually isn't too complicated other than struggling with the dilemma of deciding to kick them with his left or right leg, but it just wasn't right.I'll look forward to a next season of 24, but I'll pass for another film.
AzaraT A full length episode of 24, but does it work? Well, I can't help it, but this seems to be kind of rushed. The script and story aren't as good as it should be. I felt kind of bored watching this.Jack seems to be a bit "overpowered" and he seems to have a gift to dodge bullets. Okay I know this happens in a lot, but they kind of over do it here.I like the way that it is real time. Unlike in the series, it seems like it is possible to do all the things they do in the given time period. It doesn't feel the 24ish though, one of the most vital part of 24 CTU is not involved in the movie at all.With that said, it is not that bad. It seems like quite a nice start of the 7th season, and it is nice to get into more details about what has happened between the two seasons. They didn't max out the potential of the movie, the script and story was in my opinion a bit dull.But if you like the series and plan to follow the 7th season, be sure to check this one out.